Small update with some features I've been testing over the last few days on the experimental branch: [list] [*] Every Master Keycard spawn will now have a 90% chance of being a "CEO Pass Override" keycard that will only be useful for the CEO room (no longer being able to bypass a full section of a match) [*] Added a guaranteed Master Keycard inside the CEO office to reward players who complete the CEO thing and to compensate for the time used for it [*] Made Mandrillians' "headlights" look less like a flashlight, made them wider, reduced the range a little bit [*] Added ragdoll pushing to punching, pipes, chairs, etc. [*] Fixed Player 2 particle FX being centered on point of death instead of the Mandrillian's body [*] Added a small vibration blip when getting within range of a vent jump [*] Increased VR camera near plane clipping from 0.015 to 0.05 to hopefully fix some occlusion culling glitches [*] Increased the amount of head turning when looking around as the Mandrillians [*] Mandrillians now also turn their heads when looking around while crouching [*] Re-added puff of dust when doing the ground slam taunt [/list]