This is a small and not very visual one, but it's bundled with a lot of long-awaited tweaks and fixes. [h3]INDIVIDUAL MANDRILLIAN SETTINGS MENU[/h3] Instead of the old blocky (and shared) overlay, Mandrillians can now open a sleek settings menu where they can adjust their camera sensitivity, invert axis, and, if playing a 1vs2 match, remove themselves from the game (for those cases where one player had to leave mid match and their screen would stay there for the rest of it) To open it, just press Start on controllers or Enter on keyboard. To navigate it, use either the d-pad or the keyboard arrrows. This also comes with the last polishing phase for the Mandrillians' HUD. [h3]CLOAK HEAT-METER[/h3] The cloak was in a weird spot. It used to be extremely OP, and got a big battery-draining nerf. But after that, it became either something players never used (gotta save that battery for stuns and radar), or something that -needed- to be overused (gotta stay always cloaked and never waste energy with any other Multitool feature). Enter the Heat Meter. At first, cloaking will be basically free energy wise AND virtually silent. But the more you use it, the higher the "heat meter" will be and the more energy it will consume (and the cloak hum will become pretty noisy). The heat meter is visualized by a thin dotted line next to the energy bar in the Multitool's screen. This rewards players from using the cloak sparingly to get out of sticky situations while punishing players who overuse it or stay cloaked for too long. As everything else, this is subject to change -don't hesitate to give feedback! [h3]OUT OF FOCUS WARNING FOR VR PLAYER[/h3] Sometimes, when you invite a friend to Remote Play Together, Steam decides to get your window out of focus. The main menu now has a very obnoxious warning so the VR player knows if that's happening. [h3]MANDRILLIAN QOL AND BALANCING[/h3] Looking for the most common sources of frustration in Mandrillian players, some things have been tweaked: -Berserk mode damage reduction has been doubled against almost all kinds of damage except bleeding (this means a chainsaw is an effective counter against a berserking Mandrillian) -Being set on fire no longer instantly depletes your stamina points; it will deplete 1 point each 0.5 seconds and prevent stamina recover, so you can still get a hit in if you think fast and the VR player is careless. -Poison gas system reworked; there should be a 3 second delay for the status effect to take place if you get a single whiff of it, with this time getting shorter if you stay on the gas for too long. That's all for now. If nothing is broken, this means I can now focus on the Mandrillian Bot retooling -I have some neat stuff prepared!