Hello there! Been fighting off the plague these last weeks so I'm a bit behind schedule (still I hope to have the first advanced AI enemies implemented by Christmas). In any case, here's a LIV-centered update. If you are not a content creator you probably don't give a flying crap about most of this update. In any case, let's start with the little part that affects everyone, the first look at the Arcade Hub and the improved wrist menu. [h2]ARCADE HUB[/h2] The previous "Virtual Training" hub scene was pretty confusing and unfocused. The new Arcade Hub streamlines all of it into a single in-game menu to get into all the upcoming "non standard" gamemodes, including an archive of all season events. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/08481a471375f2d936d043f4108fccfc28b4023a.gif[/img] Gamemodes will be divided into three categories (ARENA, SEASON EVENTS, BONUS) and three sub-categories (SINGLE PLAYER, VS, COOP). Currently the only available gamemode is the Halloween Event, which is now separated in single player and coop modes. [h2]WRIST MENU IMPROVEMENTS[/h2] Button placement has been improved, and I added two extra options: RESET SCENE (self-explanatory) and SELF-DESTROY (if you want to go out with a very big bang). The menu will also stay on after opening it until you press the menu button again (so no more annoying auto-closing when putting your hand away from your face). [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/8d82f392e3a5b62e418e0aa8c4403741dbb2754c.gif[/img] The rest of the options tie with the next point: [h2]LIV SUPPORT[/h2] LIV is now officially supported. On top of the basic LIV implementation, I've set up some extra stuff to make streaming/recording the game more fun. You tweak all these settings on the Main Menu, and two of them will always be accessible from your wrist menu. KEEP GAME AVATARS: enables/disables the actual game characters in case you want to use MR footage of yourself or your anime furry avatar. I would kindly suggest to use the actual game characters. BUILT-IN SPECTATOR: locks the LIV camera to the third person spectator cam I made for the single player modes. This way you can have a tailor-made third camera solution with all the bells and whistles (including wall detection, stabilization, and rotation when looking at your inventory) without having to set up anything else on LIV [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/98e6b6d8eb6f7e1a701a832085f08172f0d89fc9.gif[/img] SELF LIGHT: a simple toggle to make the LIV camera see the self-lighting I added for the VR player to see its own hands and inventory in dark scenes. In general it's better to leave it off, but could be toggled on for LIV's first person camera stabilization features. DETACH CAM: experimental setting for advanced users that fully detaches the playspace from the LIV camera. Mainly to be used with the gamepad-controlled camera to get some nice angles. I will probably rework this in the future with an in-game controllable flying camera tho. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/f6df22c9041abf55f1f5626055f49b83b2efc367.gif[/img] [h3]CHANGELOG:[/h3] [list] [*] Added LIV support [*] Added the Arcade Hub scene [*] Moved the Halloween Event to the Arcade Hub [*] Tweaked Wrist Menu buttons [*] Added options to Wrist Menu: Reset Scene, Self Destroy and LIV settings [*] When spawning on a scene, the game will take into account your playspace position and rotation so you always start facing a specific direction [*] Fixed third-person spectator cam jitter [/list]