Hello there! The first two Mandrillian upgrades are now here, as well as a fully revamped respawn system that should make things more interesting for the PC players while they're dead. The hard part is done, so this Christmas is gonna be heavy with updates bringing the rest of the monkey toys! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/e048fcfc45337b16c876552afcd827eba756ccf0.png[/img] [h2]NEW SPAWN SYSTEM[/h2] Until now, when you died as a Mandrillian, you had to wait out the full respawn timer looking at your corpse. This was boring and also slightly annoying for everybody, as the Mandrillian could still check the VR player's location while dead, and the spawn location selection would only appear after the countdown finished (meaning the respawn time was always at least -slightly- longer than the match setting value). With the new system, Mandrillians will get the fade to black immediately after being killed, and from then they'll go to the upgrade selection screen (if upgrades are enabled). From there you can see how many seconds you have until you can respawn, and on top of that you can lock your respawn location so you respawn instantly as your timer reaches 0. The whole screen also got a beauty pass, now looking way less boring! [h2]MANDRILLIAN UPGRADES[/h2] Finally, the points you could see next to your minimap can be used for something. At the Upgrade Selection Screen, you can exchange these points for different enhancements. This is meant to give Mandrillians a push in late game situations where the Robot is getting too confident, usually after stocking up health and ammo. Most of the upgrades will replace the Berserk special move, but some of them will replace the tracking, and some will just be passive enhancements (like armor) As always, everything can be disabled or tweaked. From the Main Menu, you can set the upgrades to be fully disabled or absolutely free. If that's too extreme, you can set a price modifier. The two current upgrades are the Smoke Screen and the Self-Destruct. The Smoke Screen (base price 250) can be used to obstruct the Robot's vision, but also to reveal is location if cloaked and to interfere with the Sentry Turret's target system. The Self-Destruct (base price 1000) starts a countdown after which an explosion will annihilate anything nearby (including you). Use it wisely! [h3]CHANGELOG:[/h3] [list] [*] New mechanic: Mandrillian upgrades [*] New upgrade: Smoke Screen [*] New upgrade: Self-Destruct [*] New match setting: Upgrade (Enabled-Disabled-Free) [*] New match setting: Upgrade price multiplier (0.25x - 2x) [*] "SPECIAL" UI text now changes to whatever upgrade you have active (by default "BERSERK") [*] Mandrillians go to upgrade/spawn selection screen right after death [*] Upgrade/Spawn screen now shows remaining time to be able to respawn [*] Upgrade/Spawn screen now shows remaning lives for the Mandrillians [*] Mandrillians can lock/unlock their selected spawn to go to it right as the respawn timer ends [*] Increased obstruction power of gas clouds against the Sentry [*] Increased the screen overlay the Robot gets when going into a gas cloud [*] Robot Overclock now protects against blast damage [*] Dying inside a vent in dynamic spawn mode will send you to the vent spawn selection screen [*] Dynamic spawn respawner now also shows the current points [*] Improved the Mandrillian outline effect [*] Improved UI scaling for split screen and unusual aspect ratios [/list]