Hello there! Today's update closes the upgrade section. This leaves the Mandrillians with the Smoke Screen, Firebomb, Plasma Gun, Scanner, Self-Destruct, Healer, Armor, and Insta-Spawn, adding some well-needed depth to the PC side gameplay. I also added the option for PC players to adjust their individual joystick deadzone at any point in the match (very useful for Remote Play sessions) On top of that, there's some important news regarding the future of the game's audio system, but first let's go over today's new upgrades: [h2]HEALER AND ARMOR[/h2] These two are quite the heavy hitters, both have some unique features and both massively increase the Mandrillians' survivability. [h3]HEALER[/h3] The healer is unique among the "special move" upgrades in that it has two modes. Tapping the special move button will quickly heal the Mandrillian at a rate of 100 points/second during 1 second. This is enough to get a (standard) monkey to full HP in any situation. It will also give you back up to 3 stamina points, which can come in handy and be used for some devastating combos. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/60ea673e4d20d21ff0a92699dd1b8cfbfce9ac28.gif[/img] Holding the button will instead release the healing chemicals, affecting both you and nearby Mandrillians. This mode won't give any stamina gain, and its effect will only heal half of what the self-injection does while also being spread over 5 seconds instead of 1. However, it can be a very powerful tool, especially when used to get a monkey teammate out of a status effect like poison gas. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/ff7ad3deb6ecdbde88b806d6a994673faf1c2cff.gif[/img] [h3]ARMOR[/h3] The armor is a familiar face with some tweaks. It's the same armor that has been available for the Mandrillian Bots since their debut, with some small modifications, like some extra protection for the eye area. It's also the first "passive" upgrade, meaning it doesn't replace the special move nor the tracking ability. You just wear it. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/aa6ec080da1dd8a92b3655332761f6e2f7a729b8.png[/img] This chunky armor will protect you from most conventional weaponry, being basically impervious to any non-armor piercing bullet. Usually, the fastest way to die as a Mandrillian is to charge head-on against the Robot and getting shot in the face. This armor covers most of your front, allowing you to take way more risks and forcing the Robot to be more creative. The armor still has weakpoints: getting shot in any non-armored area will still damage you as normal, and it won't protect you against electric shocks, poison gas, flash grenades or fire. Explosives can also ruin your day, so don't think you're invincible! [h2]SPLIT AUDIO?[/h2] Ok, the important news here. As many of you know, split audio has been a pain in my behind since this game's inception. Every solution I have tried either straight out didn't work or had some unacceptable drawback like excessive audio delay, not to mention the possible incompatibilities with Remote Play Together. Right now my only option is doing a full audio system revamp porting it to either FMOD or Wwise. I'm not too unhappy with my current rudimentary shared-audio solution; for me and for many players it is acceptable but I can't deny it's far from ideal. Well, I decided that before starting with the insectoid enemies I should just have a go at my final attempt to full port. After careful consideration, I think FMOD is a more sensible option for me than Wwise, so that's what I'm gonna be working on from this week on. If I manage to pull this off, VR and PC players will have their own audio outputs (the VR one being way more phsyically accurate, and the PC one being a more basic split-screen mix). I know there's at least a couple local VR games that have managed to do it (and also got it working in Remote Play which is a pretty big deal), so I wanna think it's possible for me. This means the next month might look a bit silent on the main branch but will be absolute madness on the experimental branch (I might end up making an experimental audio branch just for testing this thing). There are no guarantees I will succeed in this attempt, but at least I'll be able to say I tried. Worst case scenario, I will lose a month and be right back to were I'm today, and start working with the Insectoids. [url=https://discord.gg/bnbDB4fxFU]As always, if you want to be continuously and annoyingly updated to every little progress I make (and maybe get people to play with over Remote Play) you can join the official discord server.[/url] Have a nice day! [h3]FULL CHANGELOG[/h3] [list] [*] [b]New Mandrillian upgrade: Healer[/b] [*] [b]New Mandrillian upgrade: Armor[/b] [*] Reduced damage armor-piercing weaponry does to armor (it was actually doing more damage than hitting non-armored spots) [*] Joystick deadzone now adjustable per-player on the Mandrillians' settings menu (press start/enter) [*] Adjusted some upgrade prices [*] Reduced cooldown in Smoke Screen, Firebomb and Plasma Gun [*] Robot's footsteps no longer appear on minimap if sprinting around a dead monkey [*] Damage controller rumble no longer happens after death [*] Fixed Plasma Gun not blowing up mines [*] Fixed upgrades not displaying the dissolve effect on corpse despawn [*] Fixed the first-time-launch screen on the main menu being absent for new players [*] Optimized the main menu scene a bit [*] Fixed a small visual bug on the monkey vat's mesh [*] Fixed horizontal/vertical split screen indicator in the main menu always starting as "horizontal" [*] i forgorđź’€ [/list]