Hello there! Nothing big on this update besides some minor fixes and QoL stuff. However, the Experimental branch is gonna be a bit crazy these upcoming weeks, with the development of the Mandrillian upgrade system. As with every experimental cycle, feedback is deeply appreciated from anyone who decides to get into the experimental branch. [url=https://discord.gg/bnbDB4fxFU]Join the Discord if you wanna share your thoughts on how it should go![/url] First of all, the QoL tweak: flashlight/laser pointers will remember their last state when you drop them, so if you drop a gun with its flashlight on it will turn back on when you grab it again. Pretty simple, but quite useful. Now, about the Experimental branch. If you are already using it, expect it to get very broken very soon! I'm gonna start implementing the Mandrillian upgrades. This system is gonna be the final version of the original "multiple Mandrillian characters", allowing for a lot of flexibility (especially when it comes to balancing). Instead of having multiple Mandriilian characters with a fixed set of abilities each, this system will let players mix and match them. I added the Mandrillian point system a couple updates ago, and these will be the "currency" to spend on different upgrades for the PC players. The upgrades will range from more passive ones (like armor) to more offensive ones (self-destruct devices, explosive weaponry). The goal of the upgrades is to give more depth to the Mandrillian gameplay and also to balance endgame situations where the VR player has managed to get decked out and the PC players are running short on lives. As everything else in the game, they will be a setting on the Main Menu that can be cranked up to 11 or fully turned off. That's all for now! [h3]CHANGELOG[/h3] [list] [*] Added little quality of life feature for the flashlight (and laser pointers): if you drop a weapon with its flashlight/laser on, it will automatically turn back on when grabbing it again [*] Added "Join Discord" button below the "Invite Friends" panel on the Main Menu [*] Fixed clipping issue with Security Room terminal [*] Improved Minigun noise (especially when slowed-down) [*] Fixed an annoying bug that would allow the VR player to see the top-down light if he enabled the LIV force-ingame-spectator setting along the top down view while not having LIV active and not being in solo mode [*] Added some experimental random creepy background noises [*] Fixed sounds that were not being slowed down by the overclock [/list]