Hello there! So far the new hybrid audio system is going pretty smoothly. While working on it, I've noticed that it's actually possible for this hybrid mode to be compatible with "true" split audio for local play (without the need of two separate builds!): ported sounds work surprisingly well in both hybrid mode (remote play or local play with mirrored audio) and true split mode (local play with non-mirrored audio). This is the best possible outcome, as the game will be able to be played in true split audio when playing with people at your computer while still being pretty acceptable with the forced remote-play mixing. It also simplifies things: once all the sounds are ported, you won't really need to activate mirror audio for local play, so the only setting you'll have to worry about is the PC audio target device. This update includes spatialized audio for gate slamming, exploding barrels, button pushing, and several Mandrillian upgrades, as well as a muffled effect for distant noises for the Robot. In the following updates, I'll finish the system up by adding weaponry, "big noises" like the elevator and big gates opening, and possibly new ambient sounds for just the Mandrillians. I've also included a little toggle (default off) for the VR player to hear their own footsteps (just like the olden days in Mandrillia). VR player footsteps are the only thing that can't be worked around with hybrid audio, so a toggle is the best solution, either as a personal preference or to switch for when you're playing locally with the soon-to-be true local split audio. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/afb1e2a9f7d380a00955b83a08dd8b4b6fbce304.jpg[/img] That's all for now. Hopefully I will be able to finish the split-audio translation without much hassle! [h3]CHANGELOG[/h3] [list] [*] Advanced the hybrid split-audio implementation [*] Shock noises at the menu (when Mandrillians hit the training dummies) are now muffled for the VR player [*] Implemented sound muffling for distant Mandrillian noises [*] Implemented split audio for keycard-operated door noises, buttons, barrels, and some Mandrillian upgrades (Plasma Gun and Smoke Bomb) [*] Added a toggle at the menu for the VR player to not hear the Robot footsteps in VR [/list]