Hello there! This update brings the final version of the security camera system. Yes, there was a camera system. Nobody used it. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/c4ea2e24c857b4500925bd3f69d93938cc3d66eb.jpg[/img] I'm not really sure what was I thinking [h2]THE NEW CAMERA SYSTEM[/h2] Since the game's launch, the security room had this very convoluted camera system where you needed to first link your Multitool to it (which also gave you the location of the Sentry Turret), and then use low-clearance keycards to enable the cameras in different sections of the map. There was no actual video feed, with the cameras acting as glorified motion sensors that fired off if anything moved inside their trigger. The previous update revamped the Sentry Turret part of said system, and here we are. When you insert a high-clearance keycard in the console, you get access to all the security cameras in the map, with live video feed. You can select the area you want to see with the buttons on the map screen. Pressing the big button below the video feed switches between the left and right camera. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/72c475184f34781385223a94fc63ff848c08a7bc.gif[/img] This system is meant more as a way to check for useful stuff around the map (keycards, the second Sentry Turret, valuable loot) rather than as a Mandrillian detector (that's what the Minimap Stations are for). It also looks kind of cool, which is important. Of course, Mandrillians can destroy the cameras using upgrades. Damage-dealing upgrades like the Plasma Gun or the Self-Destruct will straight out remove them, and the Jammer, if used near an intact camera, will disable the entire system for 15-20 seconds. [h2]HEALER BUFF, OVERCLOCK NERF[/h2] This update also has some balance changes. Until now, it was possible to chain overclocks one after another, which was a bit frustrating for Mandrillians. Now, overclocking while already overclocked or overheated will instantly start an overheat. To go with this, the wrist menu now includes a heat meter that will go up when overclocking and down when overheating, so you know exactly when you're gonna be able to pop another OC. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/6676783e75428d5781810029d72dad1ba63c3104.png[/img] On the PC side, the Mandrillians' Healer Upgrade got a cooldown buff. After the Jammer rework, the Healer was the only upgrade that felt out of place, with both cheaper and more expensive upgrades giving way more utility. By reducing the cooldown from 25 to 15 seconds, this upgrade now enables a very aggressive playstyle. That's all for now. Stay tuned! [h3]FULL CHANGELOG[/h3] [list] [*] Implemented the full security camera system [*] Improved security camera destruction FX [*] Added heat meter to the wrist menu, which goes up during overclock and goes down while overheating [*] Using an Overclock while already overclocked or overheating will send you back to an overheat, preventing overclock chaining [*] Mandrillians' Healer Upgrade cooldown reduced from 25 to 15 seconds [*] Fixed bug that caused Sentry Turret to spawn way too many gibs when destroyed via explosive damage [/list]