Hello there! Continuing with the scenery final pass, I finally gave the Security Room proper models. The Security Room mechanics have always been quite confusing and convoluted. Nobody really used them (not even myself), so I'm streamlining some stuff here. [h2]TURRET SPAWNING[/h2] Until now, a lone Sentry Turret randomly spawned somewhere on the map. You could link your Multitool to the Security Room console to see it on your radar (nobody ever did that really). Now, all over the map are these "Turret Cages". There's a guaranteed Sentry that will always spawn in one at the Security Room, and another one will spawn in another, random one. While old turrets had some big damage resistance until they were first picked up, new turrets will be 100% invincible until their cage is open. This prevents Mandrillian players from finding them early and either destroying them/farming them for points. To balance this, they will need a high-clearance (yellow) keycard to be open, which means Mandrillian players will have some breathing room at the start of a match. Once a Turret Cage is open, that sentry will always appear on the VR player's Multitool. [h2]THE SECURITY CAMERAS[/h2] The Security Camera console has been simplified. For next update, the new system will be put in place; instead of the confusing keycard-operated warning system, it will be a straight out video feed you'll be able to cycle. Hopefully, this will all be ready before next weekend. Fingers crossed! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/0faf68530e179bf2a9d86d4bd4e3e8781bd07341.png[/img] That's all for now. If everything goes well, soon I'll be able to start working on finally replacing the "Victory Room" with its final version, as well as start work on the assets for the Warehouse/Shooting range. Stay tuned! [h3]FULL CHANGELOG[/h3] [list] [*] Reworked Security Room console model [*] Sentry Turrets now spawn on "Turret Cages" that need a high-clearance (yellow) keycard to open. [*] Added new tutorial tip for the Turret Cage [*] Once a Turret Cage is open, its turret will always appear in the Multitool [*] Increased number of turret spawns from 1 to 2 (one always guaranteed in the Security Room) [*] Sentry Turret HP reduced from 150 to 125 [*] Sentry Turret magazine capacity reduced from 20 to 15 [*] Sentry Turret jamming duration increased from 10 to a random value between 10 and 15 seconds [*] Improved Sentry Turret destruction FX [*] Jamming duration for the elevator gate console increased from 10 to a random value between 14 and 16 seconds [/list]