Hello there! Finally fixed this long-standing bug that could sometimes cause Mandrillians to miss their hits when it looked like they should have connected. I've also fixed some ugly code and revamped some input-related stuffs. Insectoid work is going smoothly so far, here's a bunch of them attacking a ball: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/e66ec3e8678458bbfed67a009342713d03cd7502.gif[/img] [h3]CHANGELOG:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed long-standing bug that sometimes caused Mandrillian hits to miss [*] Fixed bug that caused Mandrillians to spawn with no stamina on the Victory Room [*] Fixed bug that caused Mandrillians to recover stamina slower than intended in the Victory Room unless they were gibbed [*] Changed the TRACKPAD setting to CONTROLLER; options are now NORMAL and VIVE WAND. This setting was only useful for wands (to choose between needing to click the trackpad to move/look around), and could also create problems if enabled with anything that was not a Vive Wand. In any case, there's more changes coming to this later [*] Tweaked some bindings for Index and Touch controllers to prevent users that migrate from Vive Wands to be unable to move if they had the "TRACKPAD PRESS" setting [*] By popular demand reverted the default layout of the Oculus Touch face buttons (so the main button is back to being the lower one) [/list] Note that, the way SteamVR bindings work, they might not apply instantly apply to everyone. Have a good day!