Hello there! Here's a bunch of stuff I've been adding to the experimental branch while I work on the Insectoids. Mostly, some balances and tweaks to make the game more fun and less annoying in some situations. As it was never fun to leave a yellow keycard behind and spend an embarrassingly long time looking for it (often ending in a game over for the Robot), yellow keycards now appear on your Multitool once you pick them up. I also noticed some of the Mandrillian upgrades being under-utilized, mainly the Fire Bomb, the Scanner, and the Healer. One common thing the more often used upgrades have is short cooldown times (or not cooldown times at all), so I've done some price-shuffling and cooldown-reducing on these to try and make them more attractive. For monkeys without upgrades, I've made the special Berserk move deplete all stamina once it ends (similar to the overheat after a Robot overclock). Having a full stamina bar after being able to pound on a poor Robot was a bit too much in some situations, and this encourages the Mandrillian to go back to the vents and recover after using up the Berserk, giving the Robot some breathing room. On the visual side, I've removed the glass windows from Observation Chambers 1, 2, and 3. Now Observation Chamber 4 (the one that features in the Menu) is the only one with the big glass windows (that were given a smudgey pass a few weeks ago), with the other chambers being more themed, like the Plasma Cannon chamber having closed blast shutters. Also, there seems to be some shenanigans going around with SteamVR inputs. Quest 3 touch controllers, for example, had the top and bottom buttons switched over (so lower button activated the flashlights and force grab). I'm trying to make sure all the controllers have proper layouts, but sometimes stuff can slip under the radar. If you find any problems regarding bindings, don't hesitate to report it on the forums or [url=https://discord.gg/bnbDB4fxFU]on the official discord server.[/url] [h3]CHANGELOG[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed bug that prevented PC players from joining in the menu scene if the VR player was playing on solo mode on the previous match [*] Did a pass on SteamVR input bindings, hopefully fixing some erroneous layouts [*] Yellow keycards now have a little icon on the Multitool after picking them up (to cut down on situations where you left them behind and spent 10 minutes looking for them) [*] Made unique icons for the Magenta and Yellow keycards for when the "show keycards on radar" setting is enabled [*] Made Observation Chambers 1, 2 and 3 more unique [*] Fully installed the Insectoid transit system [*] Removed a couple automatic doors [*] Berserk now depletes stamina right after finishing, to avoid situations where a berserking Mandrillian could corner a Robot and keep attacking for a brutal amount of time [*] Scanner upgrade now lasts for 6 seconds instead of 5 [*] Scanner upgrade's cooldown now 15 seconds instead of 20 [*] Healer upgrade now costs 500 points instead of 750 [*] Healer upgrade's cooldown now 40 seconds instead of 90 [*] Self-Destruct upgrade now costs 750 points instead of 650 [*] Fire Bomb upgrade's cooldown now 40 seconds instead of 50 [*] Upgrade screen will flash NOT ENOUGH POINTS or NOT AVAILABLE (and give your controller a little rumble) when trying to select an upgrade with not enough points or, in the case of the insta-spawn, when it's too late [*] Inventory is now slightly closer to the Robot's chest, preventing failed reloadings when holding a break-action weapon's bullet receiver inside an inventory slot [*] Added some external FX when you heal a Mandrillian with the Repair Kit [*] Tweaked some sound levels all around the game [*] Removed Mandrillian's huffing and puffing sound while sprinting [/list]