Hello there, small update here. I redesigned the Mandrillian armor to be a bit more effective and to look less like a muzzle/restraining device and more like actual armor (until now I was using the design I made for the OG Mandrillian bots). I also added some shoulder plates to enhance front protection and minimize lucky front kills. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/c8c6025a7040c1d8c79eabf283d4d0c03ad45f0d.png[/img] There were some annoying bugs that I also took care of. Have a nice day! [h3]CHANGELOG[/h3] [list] [*] Redesigned the Mandrillian armor for both player controlled and NPC Mandrillians [*] Fixed horrible bug that prevented the tutorial from being completed [*] Fixed horrible bug that made Mandrillians always start their first spawn with 100HP regardless of the selected HP multiplier(s) [*] Slightly improved lighting in Mandrillian selection screen [*] Changed "STYLE" setting for Mandrillian bot to "UPGRADES" [*] Removed the "JUICED" stting for Mandrillian bots (it was not very fun and will be replaced by the possibility of bots using upgrades) [/list]