Hello there! Another toy for the Mandrillians to play with. On the medium-higher end, and leaving just another two upgrades left to wrap things up (healer and armor) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/755c4f41633ef10ad0fbf09dffde672ac7a40f7a.png[/img] The Scanner is the only upgrade that replaces the tracking instead of the special move. The default tracking (scent tracking) makes the Mandrillians sniff out the Robot; it's active for 10 seconds after triggering it and the floaty particles representing the Robot's scent stay for 20-30 seconds after that. It's very good to try and get an idea of its recent whereabouts, but not really useful to pinpoint its location. The Scanner, on the other hand, fires off a matrix of robot-sensing lasers that will scan the area for 5 seconds. If the Robot is gets hit by one of them for more than a couple frames, it will get revealed on the Mandrillian's HUD, with some handy indicators of its current direction and a suggested lead point for attacking it. The more lasers it get hit by, the longer this indicator will stay. I've also balanced some of the upgrade prices and tweaked some stuff, like enabling friendly fire for Mandrillian bots (they can now be hurt by the new Mandrillian weaponry). Now, back to work on the last two upgrades. Have a nice weekend! [h3]FULL CHANGELOG[/h3] [list] [*] New Mandrillian Upgrade: Scanner [*] Fixed Mandrillian Upgrade hitboxes acting weird (especially with stuck crossbow bolts) if the monkey was blown up [*] Mandrillian bots now get damaged by Mandrillian weaponry [*] Mandrillian Plasma Gun now explodes mines if firing at them [*] Improved most of the lasers in the game (weapons, turret, Mandrillian upgrades), making them fainter [*] Increased door breaking radius of explosive devices (C4 charges, RPG, Mandrillian's Self-Destruct) [*] Self-Destruct now costs 600 points instead of 700 [*] Zooming in the camera as the Mandrillians now halves sensitivity to assist in aiming [*] Grenade Launcher grenades can now bounce off solid armor pieces like they do with solid environment [/list]