Happy new year everybody! Today's update has the new Plasma Gun upgrade for the Mandrillians. [h2]PLASMA GUN UPGRADE[/h2] A shoulder-mounted miniature plasma cannon that fires superheated plasma bolts. It's aimed with the Mandrillian's crosshairs, but won't be accurate until you zoom your camera in, activating the laser sight. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/a6a9e5fa1988051c91a2411165930777ae559e58.jpg[/img] Doesn't deal much direct damage, but will overheat the Robot on impact -remember the Robot will be unable to sprint while overheated and will recieve 2x the normal damage, setting it up for nasty follow-ups [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/80c55fa03f4b2a25f69b5d9eddbaef85d31f74b9.gif[/img] The heating capabilities of the bolt are also useful to ignite flammable poison gas clouds. It's also powerful enough to destroy environment elements like exploding barrels, turning one of the Robot's main resources against it. I also made some price adjustments, generally making upgrades cheaper. They are now ordered by price on the upgrade selection screen. Finally, there were some nasty bugs lurking in the shadows that I've hopefully squashed for good. Hope you all have a great 2024! PS: next update will bring the one upgrade that replaces the tracking instead of the special move -here's a small sneak peek! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/fc889e8dbc34d4f03719de0edf3c669d6ccfdd87.png[/img] [h3]FULL CHANGELOG[/h3] [list] [*] New upgrade: PLASMA GUN [*] Fixed bug that locked Mandrillians out of the victory room when one player died with 1 spawn left while the other was on the respawn countdown screen [*] Fixed bug that caused upgrades to not dissolve when selecting a new upgrade very fast after death [*] Decreased Self Destruct price [*] Increased 1up point boost from 50 to 75 [*] Breaking a vent now adds 20 points [/list]