Hello there! The year is coming to an end and the Mandrillians keep getting new upgrades. Still four more to go! This update brings the Firebomb and the Insta-Spawn. The FIREBOMB is a low-tier offensive upgrade at a cost of 300 points. It fires a burst of 4 incendiary canisters that explode after 3 seconds. If they explode very close to a Robot it will do some minor blast damage, but their strength comes from their overheating capabilities (when a Robot overheats, it will move slow and take 2x damage). The canisters are physical interactable objects, which means you can try pick them up and throwing them back as the Robot, if you dare. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/a9d535fb982b5b84ba69f9a8dd3be7467ec2d5de.jpg[/img] The INSTA-SPAWN is a bit more complex but can be extremely useful in late-game situations. Its price will depend on how many seconds you have left on your respawn timer (100 points per second). Once you buy it, your timer will go to 0 and you'll be able to spawn instantly. This is supposed to help in some situations where the VR player is already at the elevator and just killed the monkeys, leaving them with nothing to do but watch while doing the final minigame with 0 pressure. With this, if the PC players have been smart and saved up some points, they can give a good final scare! I've also tweaked the hitbox systems for the upgrades (in preparation for the upcoming armor upgrades), and improved the Mandrillians' UI scaling for extreme aspect ratios. For example, if you play on a super-ultrawide or a multi-monitor setup, vertical split screen should actually look like you're playing on two regular screens without weird scaling issues. Mandrillian UI will also display the match countdown if playing on timed mission mode. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/37507fd6562a047917b9868ffae15b713b0f01c5.jpg[/img] Finally, I've reworked the final scoreboard system to adapt to the fact that Mandrilians are now able to deal blast and fire damage both to the Robot and to each other. [h3]FULL CHANGELOG[/h3] [list] [*] Added FIREBOMB upgrade [*] Added INSTA-SPAWN upgrade [*] Slightly increased SELF-DESTRUCT radius making it closer to the warning light radius [*] Reworked final scoreboard point system to reflect Mandrillian damage to the player via upgrades [*] Timed Missions' countdown now appears on Mandrillian UI [*] Improved UI scaling for extreme aspect ratios [*] Fixed spawn location lock-in not working on the very first spawn [*] Fixed some collider issues in the digging out animation for Dynamic Spawn mode [*] Improved upgrade hitbox logic [*] Improved RPG FX [/list]