Hello there! Couple important fixes here. Also the game is still 30% OFF for Steam Scream Fest! [url=https://discord.gg/bnbDB4fxFU]As always, if you are new here and feel like finding people to play with/share feedback, don't hesitate to join the Discord server[/url] [list] [*] FINALLY fixed an annoying bug that caused one of the two Mandrillian bots to not spawn if you followed a specific sequence of actions [*] Added some safeguards to prevent Mandrillian bots getting confused [*] LIV cameras will now render the VR player's camera overlay (damage FX, flashbang blindness, etc) if the game detects the LIV camera is close enough to the actual VR camera [*] Fixed LIV stuff not respecting the virtual crouch/seated mode camera offsets [*] Added a little particle FX for when you use the Repair Kit [*] Tweaked Magneto-hand FX to better represent the cone of grabbing (btw, I've noticed some people still not realizing this game has forcegrab, so pretty soon I'm reworking the tutorial into a tip system that will be on by default until you turn it off) [*] Crate loot will now spawn right before the box starts opening rather than right when you inserted the keycard (to prevent grabbing the items before you can see them) [*] Fixed Plasma Rifle spawn not being properly frozen when you open the crate [/list]