Terra Exodus has finally reached Steam Early Access! After around four years of tinkering, and I'm proud to say my hobby project has finally culminating in its second public release in the form of Early Access. Thanks to friends and family who checked it out and gave feedback on this strange beast along the way! If you are new here, thanks for checking out another fringe indie game. If you've seen this before, then you might know this is just the first step of many more to come to bring the Terra Exodus experiment to a fun conclusion. I've really enjoyed the process of getting this far, and I hope I can leave you the players with a unique strategy experience and world to think about. I've got a lot more in the pipeline in terms of features I'd like to add, and lots of polish to existing systems before we can call this a 1.0 release, but I think this is a good start, and am looking forward to your feedback!