Update 13 - Bug fixes, balancing, ui updates and price update
Author: That_Luigi,
published 3 months ago,
Hello all! This update has a number of fixes and rebalances, this update also goes over some of the other hotfixes I have worked on over the past few weeks. But in general some major card interactions have been fixes as well as some event fixes.
The other news is after a lot of talking with others and thinking really hard about it, I plan to raise the price to $4.99, but I won't be doing this for a couple weeks as to not just raise it out of the blue.
[+] Balanced a number of relics to not be so OP
[+] Removed Purchase all common cards from shop
[+] UI Updates to the Forge screen
[+] Added some clarifying text to victory screen about fragment gains for fragmentizing cards
[+] Stratum 8 now has some events
[+] Updated some relic text to be more descriptive
[+] Fix to some spelling issues
[+] Fixed an issue with sweep not being filtered correctly
[+] Fixed an issue with heal not increasing regen properly
[+] Fixed an issue with Mercenary event selections not showing up
[+] Fixed an issue with Mercenary event giving double rewards
[+] Fixed an issue where cards with multistrike, sweep and splash
[+] Fixed an issue where gold gain was being displayed wrong in the shop
[+] Fixed an issue where stones where always common after combining with another stone, combined stones are now always the same rarity as the highest tier stone combined
[+] Fixed the issue where the music would change if you ALT+Tab or if the game loses focus