[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10533615/024d74c2ad196b9af30d64f5cba926ea0a11b90b.gif[/img] This update includes a lot of tweaks and fixes, and most importantly: the financial overview interface. As I was playing the game, I realized how much this feature was missing. It is so rewarding to be able to visually track your company's recovery after the initial research spending spree. :) I also added a trustworthy salvage vessel at startup, so that stranded ships at the beginning can be recovered right away. Accidents are less likely, and a report tells you what happened to the ship - so that you can improve on specific missions. [h1]Gameplay Changes:[/h1] - added total research budget value - changed "F" as standard for saving projects - added financial overview - added salvage vessel at game start - added salvage contracts - reduced number of accidents for own ships - added accident report - added credit rates - added routework contracts - working vessels are shown in red - raised transport contract prices - reduced research prices for hatches and corridors [h1]Bugfixes:[/h1] - extended clickable area for "start game" - fixed X-Large Bay Door requirement mismatch - fixed alarm position not being saved - fixed crew not present after autoresolve - fixed crew getting stuck in lifts - fixed mission showing as failed after saving it - fixed waypoint error when saving mission - fixed wrong waypoints for "take suit off" command - fixed ship renaming - fixed: assignment not removed when ship is destroyed - reduced saving of ship class ratings to one event - changed budget for contract "Tanker" - fixed ship design rating I changed a lot of code, so please let me know if I broke something. I will be streamlining the blueprint/ship class process and improve the saving time next.