[h1]Version 1.7.9 (separate branch)[/h1] It took me a while to accept it, but I now I finally took a very good suggestion from the forum to heart and modified the game to radically improve it's performance and gameplay. It took out the "feature" of drawing connections for power, cooling, fuel, air and water - so that now you only have to place generators on the same deck as another room to supply it, or build deck connections to supply other decks. I had a lot of plans to make the power lines, cooling, fuel, air and water tubes a more significant gameplay element - but there was simply not enough time to do all of that, while at the same time the system was dragging down performance on bigger ships. I kind of got used to drawing the power lines and I think it looks nice - but ultimately I think it is a much better (and certainly smoother) game without it. I am open to hear your experiences with it this version. Do you like it or want to keep the grid system? Please try out the new version in the separate branch and give me feedback [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/292330/discussions/0/1621726179562459722/]here.[/url] If you are new to the game, I do not recommend it, because the tutorial is not updated yet. To test the new branch enter [b]betterwithoutgrid[/b] in betas.