[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10533615/219c6551dbcec28e2ddacbaa7985dac3d46e87e5.jpg[/img] Hi everyone, Thank you, again, for all of your feedback and reports. We're continuing to support the game and we're happy to announce that version 2.7.8 is now available. This update includes numerous fixes and improvements, such as allowing you to move message windows around the screen, as well as pathfinding improvements. Check out the full changelog, below: • Brighter red text in galaxy map, which improves readability • Message windows are movable throughout the screen • Fixed an error when starting a new sandbox game from the tutorial • Fixed a language reset error • Fixed some English grammar issues • Fixed "research vessel" requirements • Fixed "transport vessel" requirements • Fixed negative values for crew when removing rooms • Fixed an error with malfunctions when loading a new ship • Fixed an elevator path-finding issue Cheers! KevWatch