[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10533615/9617c9cd8969b7cec1afe8ac7987619663c22605.jpg[/img] Hello everyone, While the official release is still a couple of hours away, we decided to give you access to the update a little early. This updates brings the game up to the release version, adding the new campaign mode, Russian language support, new contracts as well as many, tweaks, changes and fixes. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Early Access program, and who provided valuable feedback throughout development. We could not have done it without your support. We also hope that you will continue to share your thoughts, because while we are releasing the game in full today, this does not mean that we will drop support. We will continue to provide updates and patches along the way, so keep that feedback coming. And now, enjoy the game! - Surtur [b]Changelog:[/b] [list]Features: [*]added campaign [*]added ship database interface [*]added russian language support [*]added steam achievements [*]added function key for finances [*]added 1 degree maneuverability for every main engine [*]added reputation dropdown [*]updated game manual Balances: [*]adapted crew count for several contracts [*]changed election cycle length [*]added SKIP button for crew management tutorial [*]HEP requirement/combat success dependent on combat zone size [*]fixed and reduced boarding events [*]added ship delivery deadline [*]changed payment for some contracts| [*]changed rating requirements for some contracts [*]added pirate hunting contracts [*]changed projectile weapon damage on enemy ship [*]fixed long range cannon damage [*]reduced minefield mission time to 5 minutes Fixes: [*]ending screen for success/failure of sandbox game and campaign| [*]fixed CYO maintenance in rooms [*]improved ship file loading/saving time [*]added/changed voice for tutorials [*]fixed error for shipyard activity in the galaxy map [*]fixed errors for campaign conversations [*]fixed combat zone error for ship activity [*]fixed room sealed error [*]fixed wrong fuselage cost [*]fixed Llebre and Hiuz preview sprites [*]fixed messages overlaying the main menu [*]fixed error disbanding shipyards [*]fixed error when not enough outer hatches in crew management [*]fixed unlocking of rooms after return from technology interface [*]fixed grid numbers in crew management [*]fixed errors with electrical malfunctions [*]fixed number format [*]fixed malfunctions in “Tech Drill” [*]fixed typos in campaign messages [*]increased size of “rules of engagement” buttons [*]fixed tutorial voice starting correctly [*]fixed arrow positioning in tutorial [*]corrected some routework zones [*]fixed: core shield taking damage [*]fixed: ship destroyed on collision event [*]fixed sound volume of ON/OFF button [*]fixed mining laser functionality with asteroids [*]fixed missing sprites for some unit types [*]fixed computer revolt winning condition (CYO only) [*]fixed mutiny mission error (if no lifesupport present) [*]fixed military boarding unit sprites [*]fixed CYOs not welding [*]fixed enemy units getting stuck in lift [*]fixed boarding vessel direction on deck 3 [*]fixed crew count after auto-resolve [*]fixed missile sounds [*]changed first start music sound level [*]fixed: stairs not connecting to power [*]fixed error when using undo after deleting deck connections [*]removed misplaced trade routes [*]removed “wrap around” in tutorial overview [*]fixed tutorial numbering in main menu [*]fixed: zones in galaxy map overlapping other menu items [*]fixed: ships moving after quarter ended [*]fixed: not enough space for text in keymapping [*]removed empty categories in build menu and research interface [*]removed empty categories in message panel [*]fixed action menu text transparency [*]removed obsolete missions from auto-resolve mission list [*]fixed: auto-resolve window overlaying the main menu [*]fixed: access error for deck connections[/list]