Thanks for all the feedback! While I am working on the artificial human upgrade, I fixed a few bugs and tried to balance some issues: [h1]Gameplay Changes:[/h1] - quarters are maintained by their crew type, not only technicians - set w,a,s,d as standard for panning - added TAB to switch between company, first and last name - added PageUp and PageDown for scrolling in research - changed range requirement for "Routeworker" - changed eev count for for "Light Transport" - slowed economic growth for sytems (to adapt to research speed) - raised gold mining profit [h1]Bugfixes:[/h1] - fixed powergrid problem for Skjold fuselage - extended clickable area for left/right pan - fixed start game button? - added engine fuel requirments to objectives - fixed global.spr_build_category error - fixed obj_room_info.mouserollover error - fixed click-through for research over crew management - adapted sound level for mission "Mutiny" - fixed saving of asteroid fields - fixed saving of mission ratings - fixed crew number after autoresolve - fixed movement of rooms when in research - fixed missing research after saving/loading - fixed waypoint error when saving mission - fixed docking clamp requirements for "Service Craft" For some, the start button at sandbox creation was not clickable. I could not reproduce this, but tried to fix it - let me know if it works now.