[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10533615/24c8b5c9e102ab8f817b766530f4700d0d401640.jpg[/img] This update includes the framework I am going to use to let character interact with you. Let me know if it works for you, and I will add much more content. I addition, I tried to find possible sources of the department change errors. I cannot reproduce these myself, so please let me know if that did something. 1.7.0: [h1]Gameplay Changes:[/h1] - added political campaign contributions - added ceo name and gender selection - added autosave for ship design (gameplay options) [h1]Bugfixes:[/h1] - (hopefully) fixed more department switch problems - (hopefully) fixed problems with loading blueprints and classes - adapted galaxy sound effect level - removed 'Del" message - removed autoadapt resolution - fixed global.sound_ui_buy_tech error - fixed scrap ship error - fixed: loaded built ship cannot fulfill contracts - adapted autoresolve window - adapted export window