[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10533615/8c6f6d4ddab447a49a34e63f9e82a928589c92f9.jpg[/img] Hey everyone, We are happy to be able to say that the Artificial Human update is finally out! In addition to the usual bugfixes and balances, Starship Corporation now features an additional type of crew member: Artificial Humans, also called Cybernetic Organisms (CyO). CyO do not require air, water, food, healthcare or life support, they can replace any profession and are tough built. If they are damaged, all the need to do is to return to their pod. Crew Management has now an additional mission, to prepare the ship to handle malfunctioning CyOs. Decide for yourself if you want to strengthen your crew by adding an artificial human, or if you want to get rid of human error completely. [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10533615/283661e631973f6c19793c87e1a852d5a0606a1c.jpg[/img] The market will feature [b]10 additional contracts[/b] for completely automated ships, and they current 60 contracts in all different areas of space travel can be approached in a new way. We also prepared a little video, explaining the new features: [url]https://youtu.be/8XhXw_9gjiE[/url] The full changelog can be found below. [b]Gameplay:[/b] [list] [*]added Cyo Chambers (Ship Design, Research) [*]added Cyo Units (Crew Management) [*]added new ERS mission "Cyo Malfunction" [*]added additional contracts (Galaxy Map): [*]Automated Explorer [*]Automated Routeworker [*]Automated Cargoship [*]Automated Border Patrol [*]Automated Tanker [*]Automated Service Craft [*]Auto Builder [*]Robot-Racer [*]Automated Mining Vessel [*]Auto-Assassin [*]tax cuts are based on contribution level [*]research budget is set to 0 when category is complete [*]changed LRM Scout vessel objectives [/list] [b]Bugfixes:[/b] [list] [*]improved performance in ship design [*]fixed off_counter error [*]fixed room access error for deck connections [*]fixed missing captain sprite [*]fixed LRM Scout vessel requirements [*]fixed Kartikeya fuselage grid [*]fixed: check if fuselage is researched [*]fixed: not all save files are listed [*]file deletion confirmation for ship files [/list]