[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10533615/da2ac0d9944195d643546adab758bd3b7bd2f682.jpg[/img] I spent some time working on the system to save blueprints and classes. I am happy to report that the unbearable saving times for bigger ships significantly improved. I also removed the step to save classes as extra files - now a blueprint just turns into a class file when completed, and you can go into Ship Design and load classes directly to make modifications. Unfortunately the saved ratings for your established classes are not available any more - you need to run "Autoresolve" or play some missions again. [h1]Gameplay Changes: [/h1] - streamlined file system (just one file instead of blueprint and class) - improved saving and loading time for ship files [h1]Bugfixes: [/h1] - fixed exploit for routework contracts - fixed spr_tab_finances error - fixed end turn division by 0 error - fixed docking clamp M req for "Small Tanker" - screensize check removed (choose yourself)