[i][h1]Welcome back Star Knights![/h1][/i] This update adds the first new in-game content since release and aims to address some of the concerns regarding lack of visual variety, boring enemy behavior, and uninteresting asteroid mechanics. It also adds new challenge levels and brings along some bug fixes, balance changes, and UI improvements. This is likely the last update before the next major content update which will add a new stage with its own boss and enemies, new items, attachments, crew members, and more. This next major update is currently in progress and should release later this year or early next year. Asteroids are now destructible! They spawn a bit more frequently, have increasing health throughout a run, and tie in to one of the new challenge levels. Visuals have gotten an update, with a new dash animation, new pixel art sprites for increased background variety, and unique visuals for some challenge levels. Speaking of challenge levels, there are two new ones (Asteroid Field and Astral Storm) along with a change that prevents getting the same one in a row. Enemy spawn behavior has been changed slightly to make it a bit more interesting. Check out the full changelog for all of the updates, changes, and fixes. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44211301/deea951d796e0d2fe8c23a9cb24e280daf8cac96.gif[/img] [h2]Full Changelog[/h2] [h3]Added:[/h3] [list] [*] Asteroid overhaul [list] [*] Asteroids are now destructible [*] Asteroids spawn more frequently [*] Asteroid health increases based on level, area, and void crystal [/list][*] New enemy spawn behavior [*] New dash animation and sound effect [*] New challenge levels [list] [*] Asteroid Field [*] Astral Storm [/list][*] New background visuals [*] New tracked stats per run [/list] [h3]Changed:[/h3] [list] [*] Slightly decreased Brood Mother firerate [*] No longer will get the same challenge level in a row [*] UI improvements to shop, pause menu, and end-of-run state [*] Thruster opacity now corresponds to player movement [*] Minor changes to shop tutorial [*] Improved Demon King Visuals [*] Increased base speed of Vulture [*] Increased Vulture Camo time from 2 -> 3 seconds [*] Vulture Camo cooldown does not start until Active Camo ends [*] Vulture shows how much time is left for Active Camo [/list] [h3]Fixed:[/h3] [list] [*] Dashing diagonally no longer gives a much longer, unwieldy dash [*] Extra level from Extension relic carrying over to other runs [*] Bullet optimization (game should run smoother with more bullets on screen) [*] Fixed poison damage not being tracked by the “damage dealt” statistic [/list]