The Lavapotion team is thrilled to announce that Songs of Conquest will be for sale on steam during early 2022. We have worked on the game for several years and are now finally ready to get a bit more public about it. [url=][img][/img][/url] If you want to find out more about the game and its development, we suggest that you join our [url=]Discord server[/url]. You’ll find a lot of friendly people discussing strategy games in general and SoC in specific. We also have a backlog of [url=]devblogs[/url] you can check out if you want to dip into the full details of the development history. We have changed quite a lot of features and concepts over the years and the devblog gives you a pretty transparent view of the process, if you are into that kind of stuff! We also have more information about the game, as well as a newsletter sign up form over on the[url=] official webpage[/url] for Songs of Conquest. You’ll find a bit more details on the factions and some more game art, like sneak peek of the artifacts and the buildings. Going forward you can expect us to share more devblogs, faction details, videos about the development process and potentially streams where the devs play the game. We’d love to hear what you think about the trailer and the game, so don’t be a stranger. Drop a comment below or join our Discord. We are just a bunch of friendly Swedes trying to make our ultimate dream game, and you are more than welcome to join us in this journey. This song is best sung together! /Team Lavapotion