[list] [*] Fixed issue where you could recruit endless amount of troops from defence tab if you had lots of research [*] Fixed memory leak when you where hovering over objects in adventure mode [*] Fixed issue where mini map could not be opened in the level editor [*] Misc localization updates [*] Fixed issue with wielders moving too far when a building was built or when an artifact was dropped [/list] We also released a small patch on friday the 8th of July, that we forgot to post the changelog for. The changes of that patch were: [list] [*] Fix null reference exception in GetRoundsUntilRevival (usually after battle) [*] Fix null reference exception in Upgrade Troops (exception after battle) [*] Fix issue where listeners weren't cleaned up in TroopManagementMenu (exception after battle) [*] Fix issue with AutoSaves no longer working [*] Fix issue where you sometimes couldn't start a loaded online game from the lobby [/list]