[h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*] Add map Valley Low, small 1v1 map [*] Add new PVP only map “PVP Battle Only” where players can quickly level a wielder, build an army and battle it out. [*] Add key-bindings in Options › Controls (first version; will see further improvements) [*] Add a “Surrender” button in the Pause Menu for Skirmish & Online [*] Add more loading screen tips [/list] [h2]Gameplay[/h2] [list] [*] Fix issue with chain lightning breaking battle and triggering incorrect hit/death animations [*] Fix issue with slow timescale after leaving battle during slowmotion sequence [*] Lower the amount of earth blocks summoned at tier 3 from 3 to 2 [*] Adjust the health of earth blocks, tier now has 10 hp, tier 2 has 10 hp, and tier 3 has 30 hp [*] Lower cost of Mist from 8 to 7 [*] Mist now lasts to the beginning of the next battle round instead of to the beginning of the troop's next round. [*] Change the refill timer of the blacksmith from 10 to 5 [*] Speculative fix for “There is already an income registered” error that sometimes happened when artifacts moved between Wielders [*] Prevent Wielders from getting invisible 11th skill as reward from visiting map entities when they already have 10 skills [*] Fix auto-equipped artifacts from being placed in wrong hand [*] Update Conquest so a pouch of gold can be picked up [*] Make damage over time spells such as Insect Swarm, Boiling Blood and Acid Cloud be affected by Spell Power and resisted by Magic Resistance [*] Change Repel, Justice and Explosive Fungi to no longer be affected by spell power [*] Change so that artifacts giving Command cannot be unequipped/dropped or destroyed if you have too many troops [*] Change damage of acid cloud to 20/40/60, was 20/50/80 [*] Change damage of Insect swarm to 6/12/18, was 6/12/20 [*] Change damage of boiling blood to 8/16/24, was 8/15/25 [*] Doctor Marjata in From the Ashes mission 3 was adjusted to fit better with her setup in Song of Stoutheart mission 4 [*] Adjust normal ai resource advantage to intended levels for the campaign [*] Fix problem where AI didn’t move in mission 2 of From the Ashes campaign [*] Selling a building now gives back 50% instead of 75% and is rounded down instead of up. [/list] [h2]UI[/h2] [list] [*] Add scrollbar to mission text area to make sure mission text and win conditions is readable in all languages [*] Update UX for drop artifacts [*] Remove notifications about players “no longer being controlled by AI” when they have used the auto battle feature [/list] [h2]AI[/h2] [list] [*] Fix for AI getting stuck when surrounded by map entities [/list] [h2]Multiplayer[/h2] [list] [*] Fix too few team slots being shown when starting a lobby using an online game save [/list] [h2]Miscellaneous[/h2] [list] [*] Fix issue where pets in supporter pack wasn’t visible [*] Misc translation fixes [/list]