Hello, Wielders! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40723472/88f9d9a03ad4d6692268ca0f5336c9d520c943af.png[/img] Our improved map editor is just about out and we are celebrating it in the best way possible, with a friendly competition! Together with Mod.io, we are launching a map-making contest. We’re even throwing in a 1000 USD prize for the best map maker out there, as well as adding the winning map to the official Songs of Conquest map pool. But don’t fret if you don’t win, the runners-up get some lovely prizes too! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40723472/be9206aa07cd7550754a91cd2ef9d033e8547481.png[/img] So, who are Mod.io? They provide cross-platform mod support and host all the awesome player-created maps that our community has designed. The competition will run from April 3rd and will last until the 28th of April, giving you a month to complete a large map. Lavapotion will announce the Winners on 12 May 2023 via the Songs of Conquest Twitter account: twitter.com/songsofconquest [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40723472/dca47087fb120ed692dfb84a342ff4a053814a7c.png[/img] Can you create anything? No, but pretty close. Let’s list the requirements and go into everything in a bit more detail. Scroll down to the bottom to read the longer eligibility. Here’s what we are looking for: Large map size. We are looking for a large map, the map size we have the fewest of. That is the 125x125 size in our editor. Stick to our default values when working with entities. (Don’t change the value of pickups, for example.) Don’t change default values when working with entities, that’s because the maps in our official map pool must work in cohesion with each other and represent Songs of Conquest the way that we designed it. Remember, your map could be the first map that a new player plays. Winners' Criteria are; “Fun to play, good visuals, and best overall fit with the game.” Just like the rest of our skirmish maps, we don’t focus on lore or story. As we mentioned above, this could be a player's first map and we don’t want it to break from Songs of Conquest lore. So although we don’t mind small story elements and fun little additions the focus should be on gameplay and good visuals. Tag your map with “spring map contest” after uploading your map to Mod.io [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40723472/b628d4d77361331619dac070fe23ea9dc9534ac8.gif[/img] How do you submit a map? That part is easy. Start with creating a profile on mod.io, then agree to and not breach the mod.io and Lavapotion terms of use and privacy policy. After you create a large-sized map, upload it to mod.io with the correct tag and then you’re good to go! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40723472/f2a72d2b583b91f215451882632d16ce10bbbc68.png[/img] … What are you waiting for, cartographer? We are looking forward to your awesome creations! Enjoy your adventures! /The Songs of Conquest Team together with Mod.io ---------------------------------------------- Eligibility All eligible mods and creators will be automatically considered for entry into the competition. If you do not wish to participate, you can opt out by sending an email to support@mod.io; For mods to be eligible, the creator must: -Have a single active member account on mod.io when the Prizes are determined and on the last day of the relevant month. Duplicate accounts will be grouped or banned; -Have agreed to, and not be in breach of, the mod.io or Lavapotion Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and any other policies as may be required by Lavapotion or mod.io from time to time; -Not be employed or provide services for mod.io or Lavapotion or be related to or live with someone who does; -Live in a jurisdiction where they can participate in unregistered competitions for games of skill; and -Be tagged with “Spring map contest” after being uploaded to mod.io; and -Be willing to have their submitted map featured in the Songs of Conquest official map roster. For mod(s) to be eligible, they must: -Be your original creation; -Be publicly available and visible on mod.io; -Be active and not taken down from mod.io for any reason; -Be compatible with the latest version of Songs of Conquest; -Be correctly submitted by the submission date; and Comply with the relevant Lavapotion EULA and any other policies required by Lavapotion from time to time. Additional rules: Notwithstanding the above eligibility criteria, Lavapotion and mod.io reserve the right to exclude any creator or mod from the program for any reason; Creators who are found to have acted in bad faith, in mod.io’s sole discretion, will be permanently excluded from this and any future competitions; If a mod has been created through the contributions of multiple parties, only the primary creator, as credited on the mod page, is eligible to enter and win prizes; Mods that are obviously trying to "game" the system in any way to win will be disqualified from participation; and The decisions of Lavapotion and mod.io staff regarding eligibility, Winner Selection Criteria, and winners of the competition (Winner) are final and binding on all creators.