[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40723472/3e8397e8eae8ad98fda6378f9f277e2c319654e0.png[/img] It's time to share our most recent development videos! Keep in mind that you can subscribe to our [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtS8G-SVzYknbCSl8DyYk_g]channel on Youtube[/url] if you want to get notified whenever we post new material. We try to upload a new video per week, but due to the amount of work that is going into the project right now we sometime miss our own targets. But, we try! In the first video we look at a tool for examining the effects applied to our troops when they are shown in the game engine. David, who is in charge for everything related to VFX and juicy eye candy has developed this tool to get a better feel for how all the effects look when they are applied and combined when different troops meet. [previewyoutube=usC5qjgLEqU;full][/previewyoutube] In this next video I'll take you on a trip down memory lane and show you how our art style have evolved over the years. We'll follow the portrait of Cecilia Stoutheart, the main protagonist of the Arleon campaign, and see how she has evolved visually. [previewyoutube=_RT4-UA_Rh0;full][/previewyoutube] Then we'll take a look at the level editor. It will get some more love and attention before we release the game, but it is fully functional already. The level editor that the game will be released with is the same level editor Carl (Our Game Designer) uses to build all maps, including dialogue heavy campaign maps with triggers, scripting, etc. So, we hope the map making community will put it to good use! [previewyoutube=M00J06Xxdh4;full][/previewyoutube] And finally: Thanks everyone who helped us with suggestions for what animal we should use for the Barya desert biome. We got tons of ideas and it really helps us a lot when we can get so much feedback quickly from the community. Thanks! [previewyoutube=Kl59K6k9cJM;full][/previewyoutube] That's it for now. Drop by our [url=http://discord.gg/soc]Discord [/url]and say hi won't you? We share news and exclusive material on the [url=http://discord.gg/soc]Discord server[/url] quite frequently. It is also a good way to talk directly to us, the developers. /Magnus, for Team Lavapotion