Hi everyone, Today’s patch brings more bug fixes and stability improvements. [list] [*] Fixed a bug where blind was not cleared properly resulting in characters being blind for an entire day. [*] Loading time should be slightly improved. We’re still looking into how we can decrease this further, but getting into the game should now be a bit faster. [*] Fixed a bug where your Glod didn’t update properly if you sold an item at the merchant, meaning you were still unable to purchase an item even though you technically could afford it after selling items. [*]The Cultist now properly empowers in all phases. This should fix issues where you got stuck in endless healing loops during the boss fight. [*] Heavy Anvil’s attack speed penalty has been decreased from 1.5s to 0.5s [*] Fixed smaller graphical glitches in multiple areas. [/list] Thank you to everyone who has shared logs, reported bugs and helped us detect issues. Because of your support we’re able to make Seer’s Gambit better every day! 🙂 -Sigrid & Mattias