It's Monday and we're working full speed on addressing bug reports and improving the game. We're also starting work on some additions to the game, a roadmap will be shared soon. :) [h3]Here are today's fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Added the option to run the game at 3x speed. You can now run the game in 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 4 times the speed [*] Improved the Chinese translation in a number of places to make character skills and abilities clearer. Please keep reporting translation issues, we’re continuously working on improving them. [*] Fixed a bug where Fernandez additional Health on stun wasn't applied correctly. [*] Fixed a bug where after defeating the last boss the game could crash landing you on a black screen. [*] Fixed a bug where you could increase thorns cast by Blossoms by clicking character portraits. [*] Fixed a bug where items and XP potions could be duplicated by exiting and re-entering the game. [*] Fixed a graphical bug with a flying gemstone on the worldmap. [/list] [h3]Character changes: [/h3] [list] [*] Gallant: Ultimate power gain via ultimate kills has been decreased from 3 to 1 [*] Gravejester: Attack gain via attacking blinded people has been decreased from 3 to 1 [*] Fernandez: Health on stun has been changed to 100% chance to gain 1 health permanently. [/list]