Our latest update 0.14 just released a couple of days ago, and we'd like to thank you all for your support and feedback. We'd like to give you a picture of what you can expect soon for SCP: 5K: There was a number of bugs, issues and crashes that we missed in our testing of the update. Most of these have been fixed in our internal development build of the game, and [b]we are preparing a hotfix for release imminently[/b] so you won’t have to wait long. Next week, you can expect to see the update and re-release of Affray Interactive’s roadmap on our website, which outlines the features and content you can expect to see in the future for the game. In addition to the hotfix, our development is currently split between multiple updates for the game: [list] [*] A patch for 0.14 (0.14.1) that adds additional enemy placements, adds some content that didn't make it into this update, and responds to feedback and fixes as well as some more complex issues introduced in the update. [*] Our next major update, 0.15, which will contain more content, polish, and features [*] Some elements of the team are going forward to create prototypes for areas much further into the campaign, to smooth out our pipeline in the coming year. [*] In the near future (We aren't allowed to release the date), SCP: 5K will also be on sale! [/list] [h2] Patch notes (Coming Soon)[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed inspect not working due to reload checks - added an alternate code path and output for inspecting [*] Fixed Breakable Glass in transport bay not replicating to clients [*] Disabled generate overlaps on some moving components to improve performance and reduce hitches [*] Fixed guards trying to walk through shutters in some scenarios [*] Disabled collision on small splines in dorms area [*] Reduced collision complexity on some assets to reduce loading time [*] Fixed a crash from door squid access when unloaded [*] Fixed a crash from invalid timers in door squid [*] Fixed a crash on dedicated server in prison, disabling audio functions on server [*] Fixed a crash resulting from SCP-173-B's Chances system [*] Fixed a crash in SAI target detection [*] Fixed a crash when computing sight distance on a ranged weapon before its data was loaded [*] Fixed a crash from lifts [*] Added garbage collection to components in attachments to fix a crash [*] Potentially fixed a crash in consumable component end play [*] Fixed Mechanic Room spawn having spawn nodes at the top floor [*] Fixed soldier AI being blocked by player blockers [*] Fixed ammo cabinets not re-closing when leaving in wave survival [*] Fixed SCP-1262 Spitters not responding to suppression [*] Added LODs to assets that were missing them in dorms, improving performance on some systems [*] Fixed crashes on dedicated server for electronic lift and level streaming [*] Slightly reduced bark line audible range [*] Added unique attenuation to bark lines to absorb sound more over distance and through walls [*] Slightly increased time to hit on AI and increased noise to make larger AI counts more balanced [*] Disabled tick on many objects that do not need it [*] Disabled tick on FMOD audio components when they are not playing [*] Disabled overlaps on many objects to reduce physics and level streaming time [*] Made dead bodies use simplified collision [*] Fixed keycards being single use [*] Fixed an issue where the player could not use any button to continue past the splash screen [*] Fixed an issue where SCP-3199 would stop mid-charge and stand still [*] Fixed server map select UI map vote not properly indexing [*] Fixed map vote not working on collection maps [*] Fixed Map vote not concluding on correct number of players [*] Fixed crash from door squid killing an actor that no longer exists [*] Slightly reduced blur in night vision [*] Made "despawn 173 electronic" despawn all 173's in the case that one despawner failed [*] Fixed a bug where some walls could be walked through in water treatment and generator room [*] Fixed a bug where changing teams could cause a crash [/list] [h2]Known Issues (Not fixed in[/h2] The following is a (non exhaustive) list of known issues planned to be fixed in a future patch/hotfix: [list] [*] UI may dissapear after dying [*] Players may experience poor performance on certain systems in the dorms area [*] Players may experience desync on elevators between client and server [*] Players may experience stutters when loading in large areas [*] Some large areas may take too long to load in on slower CPUs/Drives, causing the player to be able to fall out of the map if they are too fast [*] Dropped items on death will lose all of the players' reserve ammunition [*] Some AI Characters may still be active when in an unloaded area of the map [*] Players with heavy latency may experience empty magazines not being discarded [*] Customizing on a P2P server can cause clients to see floating attachments [*] Lighting can appear corrupted occasionally when loading into maps [/list]