[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33393847/3b44794089d35a693ed1fd1ced026d962ed34698.png[/img] We have submitted our own proposal for SCP-7000 to the SCP Wiki! Check it out if you're interested! It ties into our lore for SCP: Pandemic that we've been going crazy on behind the scenes. 💚🍀 This is a taste of what we're working on for the world and multi-level lore we are building for SCP: Pandemic, and we're always happy to (as a team) to bring forth work we've done back to the SCP Wiki itself for anyone in the community to use and reference directly. Check out our 7K Proposal (SCP-7000): 🔗 https://affray.link/7k 🔗 https://affray.link/7k 🔗 https://affray.link/7k A special thanks to Dr. Moist - the Lead Writer of Affray, and Trey Bishop (Artreyus) - the Lead Concept Artist of Affray, for the time allotted to this proposal for the community.