Patch Notes: Thrill of the Hunt (v10.0.31)
Author: Affray,
published 2 years ago,
[*] Area 12: Entry Area V5
[*] Hunt: Sweden V0.5
[*] Hunt V0.5 (WIP)
[h2]NEW GUNS[/h2]
[*] MK17
[*] AK-74m
[*] VSS Vintorez
[*] AS-Val
[*] OKP-7
[*] Pistol laser
[*] Pistol flashlight
[*] Flashlight attachment for non-pistols
[*] Oppressor suppressor
[*] [b]P2P is now back and improved for Area 12[/b]
[*] [b]Added Linux server support[/b]
[*] [b]Guard AI at v1.5, v2.0 (SAI) pending for next mini-update[/b]
[*] [b]Health and ammo cabinets removed, replaced with basic medkit and ammo pickups (v0.5)[/b]
[*] [b]Added screen shake hallucination to SCP-173-B[/b]
[*] Buffed 1911 slightly
[*] Added Inspect for AK, VAL, M9, M24, MK17, Stribog, and Tavor.
[*] Made guards wander less far
[*] Added some extra indicator lights and broken panels on certain doors.
[*] Added the ability for admins to always join matches even when they are full
[*] Improved tracers
[*] Made the in-game invite button work
[*] Updated Stribog textures
[*] Added support for loading screen tips, general, per map, and per gamemode
[*] Decreased Mossberg 590 spread
[*] Improved AI inspecting behavior
[*] Revamped spawn area
[*] Added LODs to some modular assets
[*] Updated some materials to work better in dark lighting
[*] Updated Kobra Mesh and textures
[*] Optimized complex collision on high poly meshes
[*] Added barrel smoke
[*] Optimized materials across the board, resulting in better GPU performance
[*] Optimized triplanar shaders by projecting from just the top, sides, or at flat angles
[*] Added free aim in ADS for pistols
[*] Added increased kick on last shot
[*] Updated M9A3 Model and textures
[*] Added loadout UI
[*] Made pregame UI much more reliable
[*] Reduced network priority of unimportant electronics and props
[*] Made player list a lot more reliable
[*] Improved streaming stability and performance
[*] Updated bullet casing textures
[*] Added P2P support for level streaming in Area 12
[*] Improved weapon performance
[*] Improved performance on still doors by disabling tick functions
[*] Improved performance on disabled electronics
[*] Made game start and player ready more reliable
[*] Added flashlights to guards that spawn in darkness
[*] Improved third-person upper body blending
[*] Improved list players command
[*] Added branching to zombie pathing to increase variability
[*] Improved scopes in harsh lighting
[*] Improved lasers in fog
[*] Added the ability to toggle special attachments (e.g laser and flashlight)
[*] Made all guns default to semi
[*] Added enemy spawn scaling based on player counts
[*] Updated Tavor, MK18, AK fire anims
[*] Updated AK reload
[*] Optimized texture memory
[*] Overhauled handling audio for all weapons
[*] Implemented ADS sounds
[*] Updated character gloves
[*] Updated MK18 anims
[*] Improved character death physics
[*] Added empty reload to M24
[*] Added hit chance to ballistics for chain link fences and grating
[*] Improved zombie active ragdoll
[*] Added different movement sounds for different item types
[*] Forced reticules to be at full resolution for all MIP levels
[*] Updated MP5 anims
[*] Updated Mossberg model and textures
[*] Updated the video settings.
[*] Improved controller menu support.
[*] Made weapon data only show when checking ammo or changing fire modes
[*] Reduced breach item delay
[*] Added sound to door breach
[*] Made AI fire in bursts based on distance
[*] Made AI suppress after losing visual
[*] Re-added a grace period whilst the win/lose UI is on screen so that it doesn't clash with the start screen.
[*] Added hover effect separate from the clicked effect for the post-game buttons.
[*] Added Portuguese language.
[*] Added additional language support.
[*] Improved text-overflow animation.
[*] Added Russian language backup fonts to all current fonts.
[*] Updated main menu UI and scene
[*] Added the Nato sans font with support for all current languages.
[*] Added cinematic camera to the spectator pawn.
[*] Added new spectator settings to the spectator UI.
[*] Added additional backup functionality for the loadout in case certain settings are not present or are not of the appropriate amount.
[*] Fixed achievement electronics not working right on servers
[*] Fixed M1911 slide glitch
[*] Fixed issues with footsteps not playing
[*] Fixed safeties not animating properly
[*] Fixed a crash with level streaming
[*] Fixed check ammo animation not playing in third person
[*] Fixed Item IK always being applied at all distances
[*] Fixed grip not updating in third person
[*] Fixed some issues with shootable props and optimized networking
[*] Fixed some issues with doors on Wave Survival
[*] Fixed zombies not facing forward again
[*] Fixed some crashes relating to water
[*] Fixed AI contemplating life when not having a target actor to look at
[*] Added the ability for servers to not advertise
[*] Fixed in-game menu input issue.
[*] Fixed guards not counting as kills
[*] Fixed issues with soldiers shooting each other in the back
[*] Fixed some issues with configs not working while a server was running
[*] Fixed a bunch of slightly misaligned text.
[*] Fixed issue with reporting during pre/post game breaking the UI.
[*] Fixed an issue with the Quality preset button not applying or saving the changes.
[*] Fixed an issue with the server browser where the direct connect text was formatted incorrectly.
[*] Fixed an issue with the report player UI not returning the user's input.
[*] Fixed AI playing landing animation as soon as they start falling
[*] Fixed zombies not updating their control rotation (this made zombies 10x dumber)
[*] Fixed headshots and other per bone damage not working
[*] Fixed distortion applying to optics
[*] Fixed second mags floating behind
[*] Fixed item animation not showing in third person
[*] Fixed reports not logging type
[*] Fixed being able to be AFK kicked from your own server
[*] Fixed some mag checks resetting bolt when empty
[*] Fixed games not ending
[*] Fixed electricity effects playing after returning while they are off
[*] Fixed hit animations moving legs
[*] Fixed objective markers not being replicated
[*] Fixed third-person positions for a lot of weapons