[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33393847/a415ed68b41152dc9e0c08dd8cef44160b333b01.png[/img] We are looking for a dedicated mini-game designer that can work with Blueprints/UMG widgets. We also have a focus on accessibility and controller support. [list] [*] Work in Unreal Engine 4.27. You'll need to pull our customized engine source. [*] Work with Blueprints and UMG widgets. [*] Be able to design and explain mini-game concepts and take feedback. [*] Available for 6-18 months in the initial contract (estimated) for continually designing and improving new mini-games. [*] Work on Discord to communicate with the team and show updates on your work actively. [/list] [b]hello@affray.gg[/b]