[h2]MAP[/h2] [list] [*] Added Sewer PVP map blockout [*] Fixed some streaming issues in the map [*] Added new areas to the generator/storage room [/list] [h2]GAMEPLAY[/h2] [list] [*] Set up achievements [*] Added MK18 [*] Setup loading screen text with gamemode and map name [*] Added 3 new suppressors: Wolfman 9mm, Salvo 12G, and SOCOM RC2 [*] Optimized PVP testing map [*] Added door kicking [*] Added hinge shooting [*] Added the ability to shoot outdoor handles with shotguns and snipers [*] Added zombies breaking doors [*] Improved recoil sway [*] Forced braced aim during night vision [*] Added new achievements [*] Added copy to and paste from clipboard to text widgets [/list] [h2]VISUALS[/h2] [list] [*] Added/improved NV laser visuals [*] Reduced NV blur [*] Headshots remove party hats [*] Improved existing 9mm suppressor [*] Updated Stribog and MP5 models to have more polys around the iron sights [*] Updated MP5 to have new handguard with mlock when using attachments [*] Added unique particle effects when firing suppressed [*] Improved telescopic sight masking [*] Improved surface variation and added puddles [*] Improved the notification widgets animation speed to make it more responsive [*] Added iridescence to the shared weapon shader [*] Added LODs to more assets [*] Optimized view distance settings [*] Updated mossberg textures [/list] [h2]SERVERS[/h2] [list] [*] Added whitelist support to servers [*] Improved networking for bashing [*] Admin cam now requires the player to be an administrator (this can be disabled in server config) [*] Reimplemented steam sockets for better security and reliability of networking [*] Added UI for modifying P2P session settings [*] Added community messages and join messages [*] Improved reliability of joining servers [/list] [h2]AI[/h2] [list] [*] Improved 173 kill behavior [*] Slightly optimized 173 [*] Improved 173 networking [*] Made zombies prefer to investigate nearby [*] Improved performance of zombies [/list] [h2]AUDIO[/h2] [list] [*] Added sound cues for some horde spawns [*] Improved reverb effects for occluded objects [*] Added basic bullet casing sounds [*] Improved zombie footstep and loop audibility and range [*] Fixed zombies having reverb and attenuation applied twice, making them too quiet [/list] FIXES [list] [*] Fixed reloads taking twice the ammo [*] Fixed guards not interacting with things [*] Fixed trigger switches not triggering [*] Fixed some objectives not triggering [*] Fixed blackout not working on clients [*] Fixed a crash with pain components [*] Fixed some folders not disappearing when you pick them up [*] Fixed dave and his family not disappearing after picking up [*] Fixed some issues with switches [*] Fixed alignment of additional players text [*] Fixed guards getting rigor mortise [*] Fixed some map holes [*] Fixed streaming issues [*] Fixed a softlock after server room [*] Fixed an issue with resolutions not saving [*] Fixed an issue with the display mode not saving [*] Fixed a bug where password dialogue would not show up on passworded servers [*] Fixed a bug where 173 would guard bodies it killed [*] Fixed bullet casings not colliding with floors [*] Fixed the workbench screen still being visible when dying in the workbench [*] Fixed gun remaining in the workbench after death [*] Fixed some networking issues [*] Fixed some map holes and issues [*] Fixed some issues with loading screens not ending [*] Improved logging for debugging and crash reports [*] Fixed some achievement issues [/list]