This week, we'll be releasing a new patch for SCP: 5K; version 0.14.1. This update introduces the first version of the long awaited checkpoint system! The first iteration allows you to restart part-way through each chapter if you fail. No more starting from the beginning every time! Our second iteration, to be introduced in a future update, will include the ability to start a private game from any unlocked checkpoint, saving loadouts with checkpoints, and additional improvements. [h2]GAMEPLAY/UX[/h2] [list] [*] [b]Added checkpoints to Area 12:[/b] [list] [*] 3 checkpoints in Part 1 [*] 1 Checkpoint in Part 2 [*] 1 Checkpoint in Part 3 [/list] [*] [b]Re-Added Stribog SP9A1, with new model, textures, animations and sounds[/b] [*] [b]Added PVP-refined layout to outpost axiom PVP[/b] [*] Made storage room loaded while in generator room in area 12 [*] removed collision from vines that slither out of the way during the dorms sequence [*] Added handling for server quit to main menu [*] Moved alarm position of final obj on outpost axiom [*] Lowered AI shooting target downwards [*] Increased AI recoil compensation to reduce chance of headshot [*] Added the ability for gamemode overrides to be included in map rotations [*] Added some additional enemy spawns to logistics to keep the player on their toes [*] Increased zombie hearing radius [*] Added new SCP-3199 encounter in logistics [*] Added some additional weapon pickups in logistics [*] Slightly increased ADS speed across the board [*] Slightly increased base sway speed [*] Increased MP5K smooth aim and decreased post-fire alignment in ADS [*] Added UI to indicate laptop objective progress in antarctica [*] Added UI indication for new objectives to aid attention [*] Made zombies move while attacking [*] Adjusted objective wording for improved objective flow on Area 12 part 2 [/list] [h2]AUDIO/VISUALS[/h2] [list] [*] Increased maximum hearing distance for gear footsteps and increased footstep audibility [*] Added Post process effects when damaged [*] Slightly reduced motion blur amount [*] Added water audio to rising water in prison section [*] Added basic gore to zombies [*] Added previously unused Radial blur effects to suppression [*] Added snow footsteps to zombies [*] Made night time in outpost axiom darker [*] Implemented new tonemapping settings for better contrast and visibility [*] Reduced camera animation while aiming [*] Added new first person arms mesh for UIU [/list] [h2]OPTIMIZATION[/h2] [list] [*] Added LODS to weapons that were missing them [*] Optimized collision on some objects [*] Disabled IK traces on dedicated server [*] Disabled Overlap events [*] Optimized FPSTracer Tick [*] Disabled tick on unneeded objects [*] Optimized Component attachments [*] Added collision aggregation to modular assets to improve performance and reduce hitching [*] Converted common objects to use push based networking, improving server and P2P performance [*] Optimized barrel and ceiling dust trails [*] Optimized spore particles [*] Optimized pulsing and carpet materials [*] Optimized/removed some dynamic lights in dorms [*] Optimized culling in dorms [*] Moved lights and screens to use custom primitive data and away from dynamic material instances (improving instancing performance) [*] Fixed some LOD issues and missing LODs in antarctica [*] Updated in-game credits [/list] [h2]FIXES[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed crash on server when displaying the notify on end of Antarctica [*] Fixed a crash in SCP173BController GetChances when there were no observers [*] Fixed crash in SCP173Subsystem due to stale pointers in potential observers [*] Moved crash data to be earlier in game instance Init to catch more crash scenarios [*] Fixed a crash on startup due to getting steam stats [*] Fixed a crash when re-attaching an attachment to the same weapon [*] Fixed 173 not de-spawning at start of generator room [*] Fixed attachments not appearing on picked up items [*] Fixed errors when attaching lasers in customization [*] Fixed flashlight attachments not being on the correct perspective [*] Fixed lasers showing as third person when in first person [*] Fixed lasers showing when disabled on other clients [*] Added a bit more ammo and health pickups to canals [*] Fixed outer elevator door in Prison not being in the right players [*] Fixed a stuck spot in Water Treatment [*] Fixed PVP score not initializing [*] Fixed zombies sliding along walls when attacking doors [*] Reduced bloom in night vision [*] Fixed leaning not working over low cover [*] Fixed 1262 Spitters in dorms and prison not reacting properly to player gunshots [*] Fixed some broken shadow offsets on materials [*] Fixed respawn requirements appearing on screen when alive [*] Added some missing backer names to the backer wall and credits [*] Fixed mission items passing on if restarting or switching settings [*] Fixed some lobby behavior causing the lobby to join an empty session [*] Fixed equip animation not playing on Tactical Knife [*] Fixed errors from tracers delaying after object pools were destroyed [*] Fixed squid spawning behind vending machines [*] Fixed some navigation issues in logistics [*] Fixed dying while in water rising section in Prison causing the player to respawn underneath the water and die continuously [*] Redid streaming layout for Dorms to be more reliable and have less hitches [*] Fixed individual maps not being selectable in map vote [*] Fixed Area 12 always being added to map rotations [*] Separated movement roll to fix extreme scope shadow while moving left and right [*] Fixed cover generation missing corners if they are facing the wrong direction [*] Fixed a bug where melee attacks would always register as failing for AI [*] Fixed AI not being able to see through glass in some places in Chapter 2 [*] Fixed missing kill volume in water treatment [*] Made characters drop primary instead of equipped weapon by default on death [*] Added angle limit to look at point to reduce the chance that AI will headshot while honing in [*] Reworked lift changing direction to be more reliable [*] Fixed lift getting stuck/flipping direction at end [*] Fixed blur in zoomed scopes at distance [*] Fixed Latent Action UUID not being set causing multiple levels/assets to not be loaded at once on one object [*] Fixed Gore and splatter resources not loading correctly on enemy spawn [*] Fixed character last hit not being replicated [*] Fixed game ending if someone leaves during pre-game [*] Fixed alarm BP not always triggering [*] Fixed SCP-3199 selecting incorrect wander/movement locations and becoming confused [*] Fixed UI settings not updating the Blast Door, Keypad and Keycard colors [*] Fixed Issue where the Head Bobbing was not being modified by the game settings [*] Fixed the issue where the Killed By UI was not displaying [*] Fixed suppression activating after a tracer had finished [*] Fixed zombie/footstep audio being muffled when behind you [*] Fixed door squids causing enemies to ragdoll while still alive, causing them to be invulnerable [*] Fixed some stuck spots in wave survival [*] Fixed crab getting stuck on door in prison [*] Fixed previous loadouts applying when restarting or from map vote [/list] [h2]NOTABLE KNOWN ISSUES[/h2] [list] [*] Zombies occasionally get stuck in doorways [*] UI sometimes disappears after restarting game [*] Players can get stuck in objects after vaulting [*] Zombies can appear frozen in place at low LOD after dying far from the player [/list]