[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33393847/0f52c2c1e1d5a0c234d1e2b5a81d080b04cf5543.png[/img] Our SCP-173-B, one of the first major SCP-173 alternatives [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/SCP/comments/9eg6dd/scp_ascension_scp173b_173_alternative_ripeanut/]made in 2018[/url] is now re-considered for being used inside of our game. SCP-173-B was made by one of our very talented artists, [url=https://www.artstation.com/bathroomtile]Ivo Francisco[/url]. Originally made for the original SCP: Ascension, we put 173-B to the side and "forgot" about it for a while. It felt pretty disappointing from how well received the design was/is and how much we personally love the design. [b]If we end up not fully pursuing it, we'll let you guys know. But, we're currently very adamant about making this addition sometime in the mid-late Beta period. There is still a bit of a way to go[/b] [h2]Basic lore[/h2] SCP-173-B is an artificially-made clone of SCP-173. It is en route to Area 14 to be used in attacks on civilian populations in the nearby regions (under the SCP-5000 canon). He is temporarily located at Area 12 for temporary holding in the logistics chain. [h2]Design summary of 173-B[/h2] [list] [*] It's arms are completely dexterous (they are not stiff into the T and A poses). They will change position every time you blink or look away. [*] It will kill you if it enters your near proximity. [*] It cannot move if you are looking at it or not blinking. [*] You will only have the blinking HUD effect if you are directly looking at it (current plan, anyway). [*] It will only be in specific zones of Area 12. [*] It may have a temporary containment cell in the map you can access. [*] It will only attempt to attack you and your team on a timer. [*] It will be the only unkillable entity in the game. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33393847/17583e52ab3ff12633e300d28ddfafc0081cf4a7.png[/img] Also, thanks for your guys' heavy support for this. Sheesh, that's nuts. ;) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33393847/71d27bf96d83094990ca6bf32d52dbe63dde4ef3.png[/img] [h3]If you'd like to join us on Discord, you can do so [url=https://discord.gg/affray]here[/url]! Otherwise, if you would like to support us and gain Alpha access (soon to be Beta), you can do so [url=https://affraystudios.com]here[/url]! :)[/h3] We would also like to issue a direct, semi-sincere apology to the Church of Peanut for our blasphemy in using a non-Peanut version of SCP-173. It has no legal restrictions... so that's a bit of a plus. Love, Affray