[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33393847/3db76aec28c01f8f5d84207a052722c4e92cd1d7.png[/img] With the Omni Edition's existence, we have decided to [b]no longer[/b] up the price of the base game when we get to Full Release/leave Early Access (or literally [i][b]ever[/b][/i]). Keeping it at $20 USD (not accounting for regional prices) foreseeably keeps the bar of entry reasonable, especially if we are to support a modding community in the future (wink wink). ❤️ There is just no world where we would need both, especially if we're now fully independent (we were recently able to start a buyout of the first investment royalty deal we got with the recent launch success, thank you all!). To clarify, we've had plans to go up to $30 (before regional prices) on Full Release for quite a long time. [b]These plans are now void.[/b] ❤️