[h2]GAMEPLAY[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed some exploits in Wave Survival [*] Added a new connecting area to Wave Survival [*] Made railings non-walkable [*] Made forklifts non-walkable [*] Added more zed spawns to Transport Bay finale [*] Improved AI look code to anticipate corners [*] Added reload configs command [*] Added multi-server support for bans [/list] [h2]VISUALS/AUDIO[/h2] [list] [*] Added M19x and Stribog mag check [*] Updated M9, UMP, and M24 reload [*] Updated M9 and AK handling sounds [*] Added LAMG reload sounds [*] Added dynamic back support for gamepad and keyboards [*] Added death and end game audio effects [*] Updated lighting [*] Added removable side rail covers to the Tavor [/list] [h2]OPTIMIZATION/FIXES[/h2] [list] [*] Optimized virtual light manager [*] Optimized Server Room area [*] Optimized some doors [*] Optimized some EQS queries [*] Optimized footsteps to spawn less [*] Optimized component bounds calculations [*] Optimized zed character movement [*] Optimized player stat data [*] Optimized AI behavior trees [*] Optimized animation calculations on higher LODs [*] Improved overall character animation performance [*] Optimized some miscellaneous things [*] Moved zed animation data to C++ [*] Moved some utility functions to C++ [*] Moved movement component optimizer to C++ [*] Removed some unneeded ticks [*] Removed some unused mesh components [*] Fixed Stribog reload time [*] Fixed some animation bugs [*] Fixed achievements always being disabled (lmao) [*] Fixed AI sometimes rotating weirdly [*] Fixed tracers not showing on last ballistics segment [*] Fixed third person animation rotating wildly [*] Fixed firing animation in third person not playing properly [*] Fixed bullet cracks not playing on a listen server [*] Fixed modular assets updating during play [*] Fixed some performance issues with zeds [*] Fixed characters not having LODs properly used [*] Fixed arms at higher LOD being misaligned [*] Fixed some doors not opening in Wave Survival [*] Fixed being able to disable gamepad menu navigation by pressing back on the main menu [*] Fixed some main menu buttons not being navigable [*] Fixed the controller and keyboard to both interact in tandem with the in-game menu [*] Fixed issue with return to menu popup not updating with the gamepad [*] Fixed some animation issues [*] Fixed scopes filling screen when braced aiming [*] Fixed audio quality setting defaulting to text [*] Fixed workbenches being broken by trying to interact with them using throwables [*] Fixed interaction sometimes showing after death [/list] https://store.steampowered.com/app/872670/SCP_Pandemic/