[h2]CONTENT[/h2] [list] [*] Added SCP-173-B [*] Completely reworked entrance area for Area 12 with new layouts, objectives and lore [*] Added new area to Wave Survival map (Unlocks at Wave 20) [*] Added new M19x to replace Mock-19 [*] Added M67 Grenade [*] Added weapon attachment profiles to the workbench [*] Added Galil Ace Pistol [*] Updated the PVP Storage map [/list] [h2]GAMEPLAY[/h2] [list] [*] Slightly increased deadzone smoothing [*] Slightly reduced deadzone radius [*] Made crouching decrease recoil [*] Added grips to M24 [*] Added command to make you invisible to enemies [/list] [b]Reworked balancing of weapons overall:[/b] [list] [*] Reduced damage of MP5 and UMP-45 [*] Increased recoil of MK-18, AKs, and Galil [*] Increased damage of Galil, AK-104, and AK-103 [*] Improved Mossberg damage falloff [/list] [h2]VISUALS/AUDIO[/h2] [list] [*] Added Temporal Upsampling: NVIDIA NIS, AMD FSR as alternate upscaling options [*] Made scopes bigger on screen [*] Reduced scope vignette [*] Improved NVG effects [*] Added separate particles for pistols [*] Improved muzzle flash effects [*] Reduced glare on scopes [*] Improved specular on scopes [*] Added accurate magazines and visual bullet counts to most weapons [*] Added two new D-Class zed variants/models [*] Added reactive hit animations based on the area that was hit (to players and guards) [*] Made zeds rotate smoothly [*] Improved blood effects [*] Improved firing animations [*] Added ambient audio to spectator mode [*] Improved ADS animation to feel more smooth [*] Updated Stribog animations [*] Updated Mossberg animations, model, and textures [*] Added new AK animations and sounds [*] Added new UMP animations [*] Updated player character meshes to reduce stretching and improve proportions [*] Improved death ragdolls [*] Updated UMP model and textures [*] Greatly improved pistol firing sight picture [*] Updated EOTech Holographic sight textures [*] Improved menu backend for localization [*] Added heavy camera shake to heavy weapons [*] Added additional gamepad menu support to the main menu [*] Added light hum to tube lights [*] Improved gunshot sound occlusion [*] Improved distance reverb effects [*] Made water lower slowly & particle/sound effects fade [/list] [h2]FIXES[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed clipping on some sights [*] Fixed ambient audio overlapping [*] Fixed nametags appearing on dead players [*] Fixed local player health sometimes showing below other players [*] Fixed server room doors not breaking correctly [*] Fixed item parts casting a shadow while unequipped [*] Fixed some streaming and occlusion issues [*] Fixed a crash when spawning in Area 12 [*] Fixed deadzone not working for subtle movements [*] Fixed jump animation not sometimes playing when jumping continuously [*] Fixed leg bug when jumping [*] Fixed graphics dropdowns defaulting to ultra [*] Fixed settings not representing their actual value [*] Fixed reactor pipes not exploding [*] Fixed attachments not showing correctly [*] Fixed some animation issues [*] Fixed buggy animation on throwables [*] Fixed second magazines sometimes showing where they shouldn't [*] Fixed player kills not showing in PVP [*] Fixed softlock on dedicated server restart [*] Fixed loading screen not displaying loading map and gamemode [*] Fixed some issues with projectiles going through things [*] Made player messages more reliable [*] Fixed chat not working after server restart [*] Fixed give all not working after server restart [*] Fixed some crashes with console commands [*] Fixed footsteps having reverb applied at full volume at all times [*] Fixed m-lok mounts being visible in scopes [*] Possible fix for items not being deleted with character [*] Fixed bullet crack sounds not playing close up [*] Added backup fonts for non-latin alphabet [*] Improved the performance of other characters [*] Improved performance of dead bodies [*] Improved animation performance [*] Improved IK performance [*] Improved particle performance [*] Fixed the issue with the frame rate maxing at 70 in some scenarios [/list] [h2]SERVERS[/h2] [list] [*] Added player reporting [*] Added temporary bans [*] Added support for storing player names and sender ID/names with bans [*] Added support for storing reasons with bans [*] Added AFK timeout [*] Added team damage reflection [*] Added gameplay config support to dedicated servers [*] Added a disclaimer showing the reason a player was kicked from a server [*] Fixed kick command [*] Added PVP spawn protection [*] Made loading screen show joining server [*] Made cheat commands deactivate achievements for a session [*] Fixed direct connect with passwords [/list] [previewyoutube=zoB_BvUldJQ;full][/previewyoutube]