Patch Notes:
Author: Albarnie,
published 1 year ago,
A new patch for SCP: 5K will be out soon, fixing the major GPU crash and improving performance in some areas.
[*] Fixed consistent GPU crash that occurred due to some transient textures and texture updates
[*] Fixed 173 breaking doors not networking properly
[*] Fixed gore decals not always appearing
[*] Refactored some gore code to be more reliable
[*] Fixed item pickups not disabling on clients when swapped with nothing
[*] Fixed some notifiers from triggering on only the host instead of the interactor's HUD
[*] Added door locked and unlocked to translations
[*] Fixed enemies spawning in walls in wave survival
[*] Added culling to more particle effects
[*] Fixed some visual setting updates in main menu
[*] Fixed quality preset not applying settings
[*] Fixed input window always being password entry
[*] Fixed some hitches resulting from errors
[*] Fixed a crash in AI suppression
[*] Fixed errors in mission item
[*] Fixed errors in FPS character death
[*] Optimized particle effects and added particle budgets
[*] Optimized trees on outpost axiom, resulting in a significant performance improvement
[*] Added console variables for gore level, max points and max points multipliers. These are not currently exposed to the user but may be added to settings at a later date
[*] Improved lighting in wave survival
[*] Improved gore decal normal mapping
[*] Increased default AFK timer