Patch Notes: 0.13.0
Author: Albarnie,
published 1 year ago,
A new major update for SCP: 5K has been released! This is our final major update for 2023, emphasizing horror atmosphere in Area-12, and a rework of the starting area layouts to better facilitate mission objectives and game-play. We hope you enjoy!
[*] Some players may experience performance issues on the most recent NVIDIA game drivers. If this happens, try switching to a studio or older driver version.
[*] Some players may receive generic GPU crashes when entering the transport tunnels for the first time. We are looking into this.
[*] PVP matches may not always restart correctly. If all players leave, then this is fixed.
[*] Added new introductory area - Interrogation cells
[*] Added new D-Class character models, with an updated design
[*] Reworked SCP-1262, with 3 variants, improved animations, effects and behavior
[*] Reworked zombies
*this system is being built for adapting to future enemies:
[*] Better timed attacks, that are dodge-able and predictable
[*] Hit reactions
[*] Death animations for specific death scenarios
[*] Improved performance with large amounts
[*] More interesting and more varied animations
[*] Reworked the logistics hub area:
[*] New objectives
[*] New secrets
[*] New areas
[*] More interesting combat scenarios
[*] Added Pipe
[*] Added Tactical knife
[*] Added new AS-VAL and SR3M VIKHR
[*] Reworked Tavor X95
[*] Reworked M9 Beretta
[*] Updated SA58 model and textures
[*] Added jump animations to characters
[*] Updated Storage PVP map
[*] Added missing documents to Area-12
[*] Updated P90, M1014, LAMG and AS-VAL firing sounds
[*] Added occlusion to SCP-173-B sounds
[*] Updated 1911 Handling sounds
[*] Updated SA58 Handling sounds
[*] Added occlusion to some environmental sounds
[*] Added additional sounds
[*] Added new ballistics particle effects:
[*] Better performance
[*] Better indication of shot direction
[*] Better visuals
[*] More impact
[*] Added door kicking to double doors
[*] Added random gib selection to gore
[*] Added cosmetic animations to SCP-098
[*] Reworked a lot of weapon fire animations
[*] Improved Lens flare halo
[*] Updated Main menu Scene
[*] Added improved blood decals to human characters
[*] Reduced firing animation on some telescopic scopes to reduce flickering
[*] Added visuals for suppression
[*] Added Visibility optimizations to gore component
[*] Added additional effects to screen anomaly dead bodies
[*] Reworked HUD:
[*] Individual elements can be customized for visibility, or be set to “visible when needed”
[*] Reworked health visuals to be more on-theme and visually concise
[*] Added droppable item pickups:
[*] Items on the ground will now swap with your current item
[*] Characters drop their current item on death, with one magazine in the gun
[*] Made several improvements to SCP-173-B:
[*] Optimized SCP-173-B mechanics with large amounts of characters
[*] Movement jumps around corners less often
[*] Uses a more complex targeting system that allows us better control over behavior
[*] Now has “chances” that scale grace time based on the amount of players and how often you let it get behind you
[*] No longer does the “Michael Jackson”
[*] Added shootable glass to some areas
[*] Added amounts to mission item displays
[*] Added kickstarter backers to the credits list
[*] Increased mossberg and m1014 damage
[*] Added hit animations to players and guards for better hit response
[*] Improved ragdoll for all characters
[*] Reworked hip-fire recoil to feel more impactful
[*] Added minimum days since last ban
[*] Improved resonator hearing range and decreased sight range
[*] Improved ADS sight alignment to have better sight picture while aiming on some weapons
[*] Made player “standing” requirements and kick messages clearer
[*] Improved some post processing with eye adaptation
[*] Disabled FMOD occlusion on dedicated servers
[*] Slightly increased soldier sight time and reduced FOV
[*] Added spectating support for ADS and other actions
[*] Fixed issue with the killed by not showing up on death by another player
[*] Fixed ballistics over penetration due to overly generous speed tolerances
[*] Fixed picking up ammo even when the current item could not have ammo or was full
[*] Fixed a bug that broke controllers when trying to open the settings
[*] Fixed gamemode descriptions
[*] Fixed performance hitches when killing large amounts of enemies (i.e with grenades)
[*] Fixed resonators infinitely rotating
[*] Fixed crash in game instance updating session when there was no gamemode
[*] Fixed resupplying even when all items are full
[*] Fixed resonators eating too far from the body
[*] Fixed spectating not always working
[*] Fixed mission items picking up even when at maximum capacity
[*] Fixed resonators not looking in the correct direction at times
[*] Fixed issue with the chapters not loading in the correct order
[*] Fixed item pickups in cabinets having interaction
[*] Fixed issue of the ready UI not allowing input
[*] Fixed issues with command suggestions remaining visible on exit of chat
[*] Fixed bullets showing incorrectly using revolver algorithm for other weapons, causing bullets to disappear visually from a magazine incorrectly
[*] Fixed FMOD occlusion always updating even when sounds didn’t move
[*] Optimized impact and dismemberment particles
[*] Optimized bullet hit particles to cull more often and harder
[*] Optimized environmental particle effects
[*] Optimized bounds updates for character physics
[*] Fixed some strange angles in 1262 spitter animation
[*] Improved performance in canals by making water simulation run only when rendered, reducing tickrate and render depth
[*] Reorganized pak chunks to be better separated for patch downloads, at the cost of slightly more storage space
[*] Moved Suppression traces to be asynchronous to improve performance
We hope you thoroughly enjoy this update and thank you for your continued support!