Patch for Private Alpha 0.1.1 is now live!
Author: Affray Studios, LLC,
published 4 years ago,
The patch notes for update v0.2.0a of the SCP: Pandemic Private Alpha are as follows:
[*] Added the ability to open bathroom stall doors to take care of business
[*] Added the ability to open the server room door
[*] Added the ability to open and close incinerator chutes
[*] Added the ability to shoot vending machines
[*] Added kill zone to the incinerator
[*] Added kill zone below the map
[*] Added loading volumes throughout the map
[*] Added some details to the generator room
[*] Fixed some transport bay alignment issues
[*] Fixed some holes in the map
[*] Randomized spawns
[*] Added proper reverb and spatialization effects
[*] Quietened some sounds
[*] Added audio zones to some rooms
[*] Added the ability for zombies to bash open manual doors
[*] Added hitting animation for zombies
[*] Reduced zombie speed
[*] Fixed janky head animation for zombies
[*] Fixed zombies walking through the player
[*] Added a zombie spawn to the generator room
[*] Zombies will now take a route even when there is a door there
[*] Zombies will no longer try to pathfind through blast doors
[*] Fixed a bug where you could not spawn in certain areas
[*] Fixed a bug where you could shoot open locked doors
[*] Fixed a bug where you could not lean inside interaction volumes
[*] Fixed a bug where you could not use the generator lightswitch
[*] Fixed a bug where the main menu button would not work
[*] Fixed a bug where you could close a door after it was broken
[*] Fixed collision in the bathroom
[*] Fixed some LODs flipping materials
[*] Fixed volumetric light cones not removing when a light is destroyed
[*] Updated Iridescent materials
[*] Moved main menu camera
[*] Added video settings to the main menu
[*] Made doors open quicker
[*] Increased player speed
[*] Increased player stamina
[*] Removed irrelevant radial menu options
[*] Added new interaction UI to AffrayCore's interaction
There are still likely ongoing issues, please help us identify them by joining us on [url=]Discord[/url]! To gain access to the Private Alpha (core development, not gameplay-rich), you can pre-order the supporter options from our [url=]website[/url]. You can also pledge to us on [url=]Patreon[/url]. Thank you!