A TL;DR of what's going on, our current broad goals, and a thank you.
Author: Affray,
published 2 years ago,
Over 2023, our efforts will now, in large part, dramatically shift over to story-focused efforts and the consolidation of the higher-level experience of the gameplay plans.
This next upcoming year, expect to see a lot more horror, a lot more story, and a lot more content under our Content Focus plans for both the SCP side of this project and the Tactical FPS side — they compliment each other very well, and their bond will only strengthen under these ongoing & upcoming efforts. We are starting relatively small with This Is Why, but with time, there will be a lot to experience and enjoy!
Nonetheless, thank you all for being a part of this. We hope everyone in the community will enjoy the coming updates. They are a great start to the new phase of development, but keep in mind they are only the start. There is so much more to come very soon, and to be very clear, things take time.
We understand it can be difficult to wait months between updates, but rest assured it's what we believe to be best for development, as it gives us the most flexibility and lowest-stress scenario, relatively. We urge you to enjoy other games in the process of our development, and even come to full release, we still heavily believe there are more games out there to enjoy other than our own. There is a huge world of artistry and other great projects to enjoy. Thank you for your patience, everyone. :)
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