Dear Gamer Creators! This is your host Vtuber MinamiYotuba again! As always, I am bringing more deep peeks into the RPG Maker Unite today! [img][/img] Last time, we introduced “Switch Lines”. Switches are elements in an RPG game used to track progression to enable further events. The introduction of Switch Line allows users to visually see the relationships to easily track them. If you have not read that, the links is here: In this Dev Log #5, we will make a deeper dive on Parallax Mapping and Large Parts that was introduced in the News announcement earlier this month. “Large Parts” are kind of like a composition of many tiles that is treated as one object to be placed quickly on the map. And Parallax Mapping can be used to create complex maps quickly. But to understand why these additions benefit users, we should start by recapping on map tilesets - which is the most traditional and fundamental way to map creation in RPG Maker series. After which you will be able to better understand how Parallax Mapping and Large Objects help in their own unique ways, and why we should all be excited about them! Also last but not least, we will have a look at the 3D Character Converter that we mentioned in the Q&A last month! Hopefully by reading this Dev Log, you will have a better understanding of how the new Map Editor will work, and the amount of creative freedom and convenience they would bring to the table! [h2][b]Using Tiles to Create Maps[/b][/h2] First, let us go back to the fundamentals - map tilesets. Tilesets are terrain assets used to make maps and are the most fundamental tool for map creation in the entire RPG Maker series, and can be painted onto the map with simple mouse clicks. In RPG Maker Unite, tile sets are further registered into “Tile Groups” that allow users to select and group tiles for different situations, and quickly switch between different Tile Groups. [img][/img] The above is an example of using tiles to make a map. Here, I have placed grass meadows, stone roads, and some buildings and flaura. The tiles shown on the bottom left of the screenshot are called up by Tile Groups, and using tiles is just as simple as selecting a tile and painting them directly on the map grid - kind of like playing a jigsaw puzzle. [img][/img] As a recap from Dev Log #3, users can register and customize their own tile groups. All tiles can be loaded into a Tile group individually, making it much easier to freely select and make what users want to make from all tiles available and no longer bound to a “tile set”. Tile Groups are saved separately and can be switched freely without losing your previous tile selections, making it convenient to even make maps that contain multiple design elements. For example, imagine you are making a Bandit’s Stronghold built inside a cave. You would first use a dungeon themed Tile Group to make the cave, and then switch to a building-themed Tile Group to finish it off - without needing to go through the tile set again to find what you need! [h2][b]Large Parts that Span Across Multiple Grids[/b][/h2] But some of you may ask, if we are piecing together everything grid by grid manually, wouldn’t it be kind of time consuming, especially if the map involves a lot of trees and buildings? [img][/img] The answer lies in the new addition of “Large Parts” - a new category of assets found in RPG Maker Unite that can also be registered into Tile Groups. Like its name suggests, Large Parts are perfect for assets that are expected to span across multiple grids. Once registered into a Tile Group, it is also as easy as “select and click” to place them on the maps! [img][/img] The above screenshot is one example of adding trees - a Large Parts, onto the simple map that I created earlier. Simply select the tree object and place them where you like! [img][/img] Large Parts can also be altered too. For example, have a look at the two houses in the above screenshot. They are using the same Large Parts asset, but one is missing a tree, which I edited out using the eraser tool. So, it is entirely possible to use Large Parts as the basis of a series of buildings, and then add variations by either erasing a portion of it or by adding more tiles to them to fine-tune the details! [h2][b] Using Parallax Mapping for Map Creation[/b][/h2] Next let us move to “Parallax Mapping”, which is another way of making maps. To put simply, Parallax Mapping involves using premade images and loading them as the map background (Note: not to be confused with the actual background, like the sky for example), then simply add collision to it according to the terrain shown on the image. In the past titles this was also possible, but would require some advanced knowledge of the tool and was not readily accessible to most users. [img][/img] Parallax Mapping works by assigning transparent, passable and impassable tiles onto the premade map image. Although it involves two different tiles, they cannot be noticed by the player as they are transparent. In the game player’s point of view, all they can see is that their character is walking on the map normally. [img][/img] (Removing the characters and other map elements. It is actually just one image.) In order to achieve Parallax Mapping, users would of course need to make images outside of RPG Maker Unite using some other tools, but in return, there is also much more creative freedom available to the user. Situations such as needing complex terrain, hand-drawn art style, or water-paint styles, etc. that cannot be represented easily through tiles, is when Parallax Mapping comes in handy. [h2][b]Setting Background + Collision to Achieve Parallax Mapping[/b][/h2] Advanced users of previous RPG Maker titles would quickly recall that making Parallax Mapping would involve needing to add specific texts to Background asset file names, and that it was not very easy to determine the collision settings of transparent tiles. To remedy these inconveniences, a new tab called “Collision” is now made available, which allows users to sort and visually confirm what tiles have been made passable or not. [img][/img] Let’s try making a Parallax Mapping example with the current dev build. Initially, we would start from setting map size and assigning background music. Afterwards, under the Background tab, we can load the image asset that we want to use for Parallax Mapping. The image asset can be magnified to double or quadruple the original size. Adjust this where needed. [img][/img] (Literal Translation: 通行 - Pass-ability, 方向 - Direction, 梯子 - Ladders, 茂み - Bushes ダメージ床 - Causes Damage 乗り物の通行 - Pass-ability by Transportations ) After the map background is done, we move to Collision in the editor. Think of it as the “transparent tiles” that we mentioned earlier. Only the grids that have been assigned as “passable” would the game character be able to walk on in the built game. In the screenshot above, I assigned “Collision Tile 1” as passable, and painted around the area that I want to be so. Because collision tiles can be assigned their own numbers and parameters, it is much easier to visually confirm the collision setting you have done to your maps than before, and knowing where to edit to fine-tune. Of course, collision tiles are not shown in the actual game so players would never notice. [h2][b]Combine Parallax Mapping with Other Map Tools![/b][/h2] Parallax Mapping can also be combined with Large Parts when needed! [img][/img] Here is a blank map example with map background assigned and collision tiles determined. But it certainly looks very lonely… [img][/img] Now we add a house via Large Parts! A lonely plain grass map now looks much more vivid! [img][/img] And of course, we can also add normal tiles for more details too! One thing worth noting however, is that Tiles and Large Parts can contain their own accessibility setting that will override the collision setting set via the Collision tab. For this reason, it is preferable to first determine most of the collision values, then start decorating with Large Parts and Tiles later for better work efficiency! Make good use of these features to materialize the map exactly as how you imagined them! [h2][b]Convenient Mini-Tool: 3D Character Converter [/b][/h2] In the Q&A section of Dev Log #4, we mentioned the 3D Character Converter that is available in lieu of a Character Generator, which is not a standard feature of RPG Maker Unite due to different character animation formats. Instead, we are developing the “3D Character Converter” mini-tool that can convert VRM format 3D character models into character animations. [img][/img] [img][/img] (Walking GIF Anime Sample - 6 Frames ) [img][/img] (Magic Casting Sample - 8 Frames ) Using the 3D Character Converter is extremely simple! Simply import the VRM model into the editor, and select the animation type you want to make! The converter will automatically adjust according to the max frames (6 or 8 frames) that are corresponding to the default assets. Users can then further determine if they want to select different frames they want to keep. Once finished, just simply export them as PNG files and load them into RPG Maker Unite! Make good use of this tool and customize according to your needs! [img][/img] (Using the Shader Setting “Enforce Outline” would enhance the outlines of the output files) [img][/img] (For exporting into face portraits and event pictures, Emotions can also be altered!) Although treated as a separate product from RPG Maker Unite, owners of RPG Maker Unite would have the 3D Character Converter available for FREE ! For those who only want to use the converter for past RPG Maker tiles or even other projects, it is also available as a separate purchase. [img][/img] (Despite having settings dedicated to RPG Maker Unite standards, there are also other frame and resolutions available for other tools!) [h2][b]5th RPG Maker Unite Q&A Corner[/b][/h2] 1. [b]Q1: From the May Graphics spec sheet, can you add some idle animations (poses) for our characters on map? [/b] A1: We have received the same suggestions from our internal testers. Idle animations and this will be added eventually. 2. [b]Q2: Is movement 4-direction only? What about 8-direction movement?[/b] A2: At launch there will only be 4-directional movement, but 8-direction is accessible either through C# / add-on modding. 3. [b]Q3. There seems to be some inconsistencies in file name formats in the tables provided in May Dev Log #3.[/b] A3: We have noticed this and will make a public announcement later with an updated Graphic Specs chart. To explain, the animation file names are really for file management purposes and not a hard requirement. You can load any file with any name you want, but it is good practice in game development to keep some consistency so we highly recommend users to do so too! 4. [b]Q4: There is another codeless engine with 3D capabilities getting released too this year. Are you thinking of also making 3D engines to compete? [/b] A4: We are aware of the announcement of the said engine and we genuinely wish them luck in their endeavour. They and we are trying to solve completely different problems and thus we should not be considered rival products. Our goal with RPG Maker Unite is not to be the most advanced, powerful codeless 3D engine, but rather to vastly improve on the quality of life of the game creation process, using past RPG Maker as a framework. As much fun as game-making is, it should be admitted that the process does involve a lot of mundane, repetitive tasks that could quickly burn a user out. Burnout really is often the number one cause that leads to project abandonment and a shattered dream to becoming a game dev. We also should not forget that most RPG Maker users tend to be those who are just starting out as a game developer or work in very small teams that may not have the skills or time to make complex assets, or fine-tune complex 3D game mechanics. With RPG Maker Unite, our goal is to first help developers of all levels to “have fun” and “finish a project first”. All this being said, with Unite being a part of the Unity ecosystem, we can already foresee users modifying Unite to accommodate 3D or find a way to link Unite with other engines to go beyond its limits! [h2][b] The Next Dev Log is planned for End of August![/b][/h2] Summing up, today we introduced Large Parts and Parallax Mapping, and the related settings like Background and Collision in the current editor. These new features, paired with the Tile Group registration we mentioned before that allow users to select and use any tiles, will completely change how maps are made in RPG Maker Unite compared to previous titles. At first glance it may feel small, but the added convenience would greatly make a major impact especially when a game project gets more ambitious! Once users start getting used to it, chances are they would find themselves unable to go back to other titles! The next Dev Log is planned for the end of August. Currently, the dev team has employed a team of veteran creators, finding bugs and raising requests internally! Meanwhile, again if you have any questions, please Tweet to us and put hashtag #RPGMakerUnite to get our attention! We will answer the best we can in our Dev Logs! Dear readers, see you again at the end of August! [h2][b]■ Related Links[/b][/h2] ・RPG Maker Series Portal Site『RPG Maker Official』: ・『RPG Maker Unite』Official Site: ・RPG Maker Unite Official Twitter (Japanese) (English) ・RPG Maker Series Twitter (Japanese) (English)