[h1][b]Introducing the RPG Maker Unite’s New Character Animations and Graphical Asset Standards![/b][/h1] To all dear RPG Maker users! Today we are proud to announce one of the many things users are eager to know the most - Character Animations and Asset Graphical Specs of RPG Maker Unite! Since our reveal of RPG Maker Unite, countless fans, eager to migrate their project or recycle as many custom assets as possible, have asked us to release asset specs of RPG Maker Unite. Wait no more! Today in this article, along with the Dev Log #3, we are ready to introduce to you some of the changes we made to graphics! [h1][b]■Greatly Enhanced Character Animation! Now with Variable Patterns and Frames! [/b][/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/e61497c4b0fe0b3227419413fe9182d8cf4e8e3c.png[/img] [b](Animation Patterns will Become Variable!) [/b] In previous RPG Makers at its default state, Character Animations were limited to a maximum of 3 patterns due to various design limitations. In RPG Maker Unite, this limitation no longer exists, and users can now freely create and specify the number of frames and how it is animated, as long as the animation files stay within the maximum image size! Unlock your imagination with RPG Maker Unite as it is time to make your game characters more vivid and lively than ever! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/9bf4363d8b2cb83df0a6939eae246a606200c267.png[/img] [b](Example of Field Character Animation Asset Standard)[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/1db559ff9c3f32b4d0a01dbc9e55060f2bc1de55.png[/img] [b](Example of Side-View Battle Animation Asset Standards) [/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/ea6dfafd34f1b4d4558193e15e5dc17e8cb9d947.gif[/img] [b](Animation Examples for Default Character Assets. 6 to 8 Frames)[/b] Make Side-View battles more heated than ever, by adding more frames and/or more awesome animations! [h1][b]■Map Asset Standards - Now Mostly Available in Dev Log #3![/b][/h1] RPG Maker Unite’s default resolution is set at Full HD (1920x1080), as was announced previously. Naturally, this means graphical assets - visual components that make up a game - would need to follow a new standard to be compatible. In response to the passionate demands from RPG Maker users that are eager to convert or create custom assets, we are releasing what we currently can to the community! Please find them below in our Dev Log #3 on Steam Community! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/3181242290510188241 [h1][b]■Convert Map Tilesets and Character Assets into RPG Maker Unite Standards through Official Tool PiXel ScaLer! [/b][/h1] Having received permission from the author Nononotyaya-san, we also are pleased to introduce “PiXel ScaLer”, a simple but powerful tool that will become an official external converter app! PiXel ScaLer can enlarge and convert pixel arts into higher resolution illustrations! With this tool, users can now resize custom assets and modify a little (if needed) to adapt it into RPG Maker Unite’s graphic standards! A great tool especially for those wishing to keep the more traditional feeling of JRPGs! Please stay tuned as we make further announcements regarding PiXel ScaLer’s official release! (*The previous PiXel ScaLer will continue to be available for download at the author’s sites after our release as an Official Tool. Users of the previous version of PiXel ScaLer can also continue to use it without concerns) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/a6456a41df4a2501d2cab278e888c4f199d13ace.png[/img] [b](PiXel ScaLer’s UI - very simple yet powerful! Available in English and Simplified Chinese too!) [/b] [h1][b]■Introducing Another Default Character![/b][/h1] As with always, it is time for another one of the default characters from RPG Maker Unite! So we met Glorianos and Kayore last time - now is time to introduce Emeelia! Emeelia is a Cleric, serving as the Vice Chief Rescuer on the battlefield healing wounded soldiers! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/83c9835db4e12faaa2268c51fd9cbfaa80d62edf.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/d8f4453e2b2a33a248c81044fa099ebbbce33e91.png[/img] [b](Animation when Using Items) [/b] [h1][b]■3rd Dev Log and Fan Q&A[/b][/h1] As with our previous News announcement for RPG Maker Unite, we have also posted Dev Log #3 and Q&A in our Steam Community Page. For those interested in understanding more about the Outline Editor, please be sure to check it out too! Dev Log #3: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/3181242290510188241 Also, be sure to check out our [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/4996189706098265131]2nd Dev Log[/url] entry too if you missed it! [h1][b]RPG Maker Unite - Related Links[/b][/h1] [b]・RPG Maker Unite Official Site:[/b] http://rpgmakerunite.com/en/ [b]・RPG Maker Unite Twitter(JPN):[/b]https://twitter.com/RPGMakerUniteJP [b]・RPG Maker Unite Twitter(ENG):[/b]https://twitter.com/RPGMakerUnite [b]・RPG Maker Dev Account (JPN):[/b] https://twitter.com/tkool_dev [b]・RPG Maker Blog (JPN) :[/b]https://rpgtkool.hatenablog.com/ [b]・RPG Maker Unite Dev Log #1 (March 25): [/b] https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/3092290332420726164 [b]・RPG Maker Unite Dev Log #2 (April 28): [/b] https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/4996189706098265131